Random crashes when running Big Sur on Big Sur

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by MukeshB, Nov 18, 2021.

  1. MukeshB

    MukeshB Bit poster

    Hi guys
    Following is my host OS configuration -

    Big sur 11.6.1,
    iMac (2014), 32 gb 1600 Mhz DDR3
    Parallels eval v17.1.0 (51516)
    I have 2 Big Sur guest instances with the following parallels settings -
    CPU 2 processors, 10 GB RAM, Apple hypervisor with adaptive hypervisor checked
    No boot flags

    The moment there is video, network and disk activity the VM go cold and crash. I have Visual Studio 2019, Teams and O365 running on both instances.

    I moved to Parallels because VMWare fusion is not compatible to the new M1 chips. Can someone please help me here?

    Cheers MB

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