RAS Client opens behind Application (browser) windows

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Windows' started by AndrewC57, Jul 11, 2024.

  1. AndrewC57

    AndrewC57 Bit poster

    Good afternoon,
    We have an issue where we are using AppsAnywhere and when a user clicks on a link to open an application, the Parallels RAS client is opened behind all windows without any notification in the taskbar. Is there any way to change this behavior? We are using 19.4.2 for the client version.

    Thank you!
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    I am not aware that this is behaviour can be controlled. I would actually not expect it to happen in the first place. Which part of the Parallels RAS client is opening behind all windows? is it the notification telling the user that the login is in progress or something else?

    I would personally suggest you to contact parallels support if you have not done so already. Provide them how the the application is being launched (url schema launched via AppsAnywhere or something else?) and the full version as shown in the about box ("..." > "about") along with the OS version in use and any other details you think might help in the reproduction and identification of this issue.

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