RAS Universal Printer Job Failed

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by MoorP, Jan 10, 2019.

  1. MoorP

    MoorP Bit poster


    I have a client that keeps getting RAS Universal Printer print job failed 0x00000004
    I searched your forum but i can't find this error code. Can someone give me some insight on why my clients would be getting this error message.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2020
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi @MoorP did you try the following steps:
    1. On Client go to Options > Advanced Settings tab
    2. Uncheck the options:
      • Cache Printers Hardware Information
      • Cache 2X Universal Printing Embedded Fonts
    3. Reconnect to the server.

    If not, please try and check.
  3. PhilB4

    PhilB4 Bit poster

    Hi Maria,
    I am receiving the same error message in RAS ver 16.5.1 (Build 20448). I deleted the connection and followed the uncheck 2 options above, then re-added the connection. This was not successful, same error.

    Phil from RunIt Support
  4. PhilB4

    PhilB4 Bit poster

    Hi, I am still getting the attached error in RAS. Is there a solution for this?


    Attached Files:

  5. MariaA7

    MariaA7 Bit poster

    It there additional information to resolve it, I have the same error.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you try the instruction above?
  7. JuanC26

    JuanC26 Bit poster

    I get the same error with one of our user. We tried changing to RAS Universal Printing Technology and we still getting the error intermittently. There is times when our user can print and other times were they can not.

    We are currently on Version 18.0.1 (build 22541) and do not seem to have the options as mentioned above
    • Cache Printers Hardware Information
    • Cache 2X Universal Printing Embedded Fonts
  8. JohnJ2546

    JohnJ2546 Bit poster

    Had one user with the same problem, "RAS Universal Printing. Print job failed (0x00000004)"
    Found that when this user connected to the RDS server via Parallels client, "Devices & Printers" did not show his local printer, yet running "Printer Management" showed his local printer and a 2nd object with the same name plus "(Copy 1)" appended to its name.

    Ran regedit.exe in the RDS server session logged in as the user, looked under the HKEY_CURREN_USER/Printers key. Found several entries under various subkeys there that showed both the original local printer and a 2nd copy with "(Copy 1)" appended to the name. I deleted all of the "(Copy 1)" entries from all the subkeys where it occurred.
    Logged the user out of the Parallels session and then logged back in via Parallels
    At that point the user's local printer was not only available (and appeared in Devices & Printers) it was also flagged as the default printer. Sending a print job to it resulted in a successful print out.

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