Hi, It is possible to use Parallels RAS wihout a Microsoft Domain? We are evaluating Parallels RAS but in our use case we have an external directory services based on LDAP for our users. We can have those users synchronized as local accounts on the Windows Server. The problem we are hitting is installing the Server Role for Microsoft RAS as it complains that the Windows Server 2019 standard needs to be part of a domain. We do have an Office 365 Domain but not a Windows Domain. Even our users in the Office 365 Domain are being synchronized from our external LDAP directory service. Our standard is this LDAP directory service which will not change but if we do need to join a domain then our next best preference is to have this use our Office 365 Domain instead (if that is even possible). thanks Mark
Have I misunderstood the install requirements for Parallels RAS? Does this run on top of Microsoft RAS or does it entirely replace Microsoft RAS? In other words do we even need to install Microsoft RAS role to get this working?
We have this working, the only Microsoft Server Role is Remote Desktop Services | Remote Session Host but suspect this gets installed as part of the RAS installer. To configure Parallels RAS without a Microsoft Domain set the Domain as $WORKGROUP\$SERVER and local accounts are working. We are then able to use our cloud directory service with Parallels RAS fairly easy.
Uhm, someone can tell exactly how to use it with local users? When trying to set specific domain, (I've try all the combination), I have the message that domain is invalid