I have MacBook Pro, OSX 10.4.8, RC2 with a Vista Business Ed VM running. I have two wireless printers working (i.e. OSX can print to them). I have installed Bonjour in Vista. Bonjour can pick up the printers but not install them. Vista can see the printers (they are shown in the Network pane) but I cannot add them as they do show any drivers. I look on the HP site and they say that the drivers are in Vista! What should I do? Any help welcome.
The HP drivers are supposed to be in VISTA but don't seem to be and the DYMO drivers crash when I try and select them?
I have a similar problem with an Epson R210, Vista tells me the printer is installed, but printing is a no go! The Epson site seems a bit useless, merely refers to a PDF of Vista drivers, but no down loads??? I can print just fine in XP on Parallels, then again, maybe I installed my Epson driver from the Epson install disc....Doubt this would work with Vista...although, might be worth a try