Reactivating Windows 11 After Reinstalling

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AtipA, Nov 16, 2022.

  1. AtipA

    AtipA Bit poster

    With Parallels Desktop 18 for Mac Pro Edition Version 18.1.0, I successfully installed Windows 11 Pro for the first time yesterday. I bought Windows 11 Pro License through Microsoft Store after the install.
    Today, I decided to delete Windows 11 and reinstall.
    Windows 11 Pro installs fine, but now I am unable to activate.

    Attached Files:

  2. StephenB24

    StephenB24 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    I had a VM installed on my old MBP Intel and wanted to use the same Windows license on my new M1 VM. I have to call Microsoft to get them to deactivate the license from the old machine so I can use it on the new one.

    If you still had access to the old VM, you can use powershelgl to run the following commands to deactivate the license so that when you reinstall, you can reactivate on the new install:

    1- Open an elevated command prompt (Run as Amin)
    2- type the following: slmgr /upk
    3- A message will confirm the key was uninstalled
    4- Shutdown VM and use key in new install

    Link to page:

    If you can't do this, you will have to call Microsoft...
  3. AtipA

    AtipA Bit poster

    I hit Troubleshoot, and hit that I recently changed Hardware, but Microsoft is not listing this device. It is listing all my other devices that I am using, but not this one.

    Attached Files:

  4. AtipA

    AtipA Bit poster

    I also tried Go to Store, but it is forcing me to repurchase another license of Windows 11 Pro.
    I am now stuck, and do not wish too have to repurchase Windows 11 Pro every time I reinstall.
    Can somebody please help me.
  5. Bhargava

    Bhargava Bit poster

    Hello, please contact Microsoft support to resolve the issue. Thanks.
  6. MitulP

    MitulP Bit poster

    Any one resolve this issue? Mircrosoft support is saying this is Parallel problem.
    It seems like I am also facing same problem with reactivation of windows. I have tried to reactivate with open settings > System > Activation, Click troubleshot. to activate a new install. but didnt help.
    DavidS155 likes this.
  7. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    Kindly provide us with the below information for us to further troubleshoot your issue:
    1. Screenshot of the exact error message that you are receiving while activating Windows 11.
    2. Collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.
  8. ChadC10

    ChadC10 Bit poster

    Was any solution ever found to this? I have a M2 MacBook Air with Parallels and Windows 11 Pro installed on it. I haven't bought either yet--Parallels is still running as a trial and Windows 11 Pro is not yet activated. I fully intend to buy both IF and ONLY IF I know that I can delete a Windows VM, reinstall, and then reactivate Windows 11 Pro with my previous license key. It will be completely unacceptable if I have to buy a new Windows 11 Pro license each time I kill a VM and create a new one.

    Can anyone confirm that there is a solution to this and that I only need to buy Windows 11 Pro ONCE? It's not that I intend to do this often at all, but I just want to know if Parallels' functionality is such that I will end up in this bad situation if I do need to redo the VM at some point (I'm using the VM to test prototype software, so there is a risk that the installation will get borked somehow).

  9. StephenB24

    StephenB24 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    I had a VM installed on my old MBP Intel and wanted to use the same Windows license on my new M1 VM. I have to call Microsoft to get them to deactivate the license from the old machine so I can use it on the new one.

    If you still had access to the old VM, you can use powershelgl to run the following commands to deactivate the license so that when you reinstall, you can reactivate on the new install:

    1- Open an elevated command prompt (Run as Amin)
    2- type the following: slmgr /upk
    3- A message will confirm the key was uninstalled
    4- Shutdown VM and use key in new install

    Link to page:

    If you can't do this, you will have to call Microsoft...
  10. RyanM31

    RyanM31 Bit poster

    There is an alternative solution that I just tested. It requires the use of the terminal.

    You must have not already deleted your existing vm. In-fact, you will edit it, so I also recommend backing it up somewhere.

    Note that in my case, I have my parallels vm's stored at: /Volumes/My_External_Drive/parallels vms/
    Adjust the commands accordingly.

    Create a new/temporary VM, which will re-download Windows 11 for ARM, and configure it for Parallels. Once Windows is booted, shut it down. I will name the temporary vm "tempwin.pvm"

    At terminal, navigate to within your EXISTING/OLDER Parallels pvm file (which is actually a directory under the hood).
    r@Ryans-Mac-Studio Windows 11.pvm % pwd
    /Volumes/My_External_Drive/parallels vms/Windows 11.pvm

    then type:
    rm -rf harddisk.hdd

    You will then move the harddisk.hdd folder from the new vm and to the existing vm.

    r@Ryans-Mac-Studio Windows 11.pvm % pwd
    /Volumes/My_External_Drive/parallels vms/Windows 11.pvm

    r@Ryans-Mac-Studio Windows 11.pvm % mv /Volumes/My_External_Drive/par
    allels\ vms/tempwin.pvm/harddisk.hdd .

    NOTE: The space and then period at the end of the command is required.

    You may now delete the new/temp vm from parallels and your mac drive.

    Boot your existing vm, which now has a new virtual hard disk. Windows activation will fail.

    Wait a minute or so at desktop, and then open settings. Search for activation settings and manually trigger the activation. In my case, it succeeded.
  11. RyanM31

    RyanM31 Bit poster

    Apologies, I missed a command at the very beginning.

    r@Ryans-Mac-Studio Windows 11.pvm % cd /Volumes/My_External_Drive/parallels vms/Windows 11.pvm

    This should immediately follow the sentence: "You will then move the harddisk.hdd folder from the new vm and to the existing vm."
    I will edit the existing post if I can after it is reviewed.

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