"Reclaim disk space on shutdown" default to true, or means to set it via command line (e.g. prlctl)?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by meermanr, Dec 9, 2022.

  1. meermanr

    meermanr Bit poster

    When I create a VM (via vagrant), I want the new VM's "Reclaim disk space on shutdown" preference to default to "Yes", so that disk space on my macOS host is not wasted.

    I use vagrant to spin up headless GNU/Linux distributions to develop software, or compile software projects. For speed, and cleanliness, I tend to do the heavy lifting in the VM's own disk (rather than in the /vagrant prl_fs mount). For example, compilers, docker images, golang repos are all downloaded to the VM's disk. After a few round of building and cleaning (as in "make clean") my software the VM has consumed 10s of GiB that were subsequently discarded.

    I spent this afternoon playing with ~/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile to ensure that "fstrim -va" is called from within the guest when it is shutdown. However, until I right-click the VM in Parallels GUI and choose to reclaim disk space I do not get any benefit from that.

    I found that there's a per-VM preference to "Reclaim disk space on shutdown". Please can this be set true by default? Or provide a way to set it via prlctl, so I can script setting it when I create new VMs via vagrant?

    I can't think of any compelling reasons why you wouldn't want to reclaim disk space after shutting down a VM - seems the ideal time to perform clean up. In my (limited) experience it only takes a few moments to complete even when freeing 50-60 GiB.
  2. meermanr

    meermanr Bit poster

    In the meantime, I have been able to achieve what I want with a fairly brittle set of scripts:
    # Sample command:
    #   prlctl list --info --json ubuntu22_default_1670598894122_54405 \
    #   | jq '.[0]["Home path"]' \
    #   | xargs -n1 sed -i -e 's#<ReclaimDiskSpace>0</ReclaimDiskSpace>#<ReclaimDiskSpace>1</ReclaimDiskSpace>#p'
    prlctl list --info --json "$1" \
    | jq '.[0]["Home path"]' \
    | xargs -n1 sed -i -e 's#<ReclaimDiskSpace>0</ReclaimDiskSpace>#<ReclaimDiskSpace>1</ReclaimDiskSpace>#p'
    (Note you need to install jq, e.g. "brew install jq")
    I trigger this for all vagrant VMs I create via ~/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile (which is applied to all vagrant commands, irrespective of which directory you run them in):
    # -*- mode: ruby -*-
    # vi: set ft=ruby :
    # Install Parallels provider.
    # # Cf. https://kb.parallels.com/en/122843
    # if Vagrant.plugins_enabled?
    #   unless Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-parallels")
    #     system("vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels") || exit!
    #     exit system('vagrant', *ARGV)
    #   end
    # end
    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
      # Newer way to install Parallels provider
      config.vagrant.plugins = "vagrant-parallels"
      ENV["VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER"] = "parallels"
      # Cf. https://parallels.github.io/vagrant-parallels/docs/configuration.html
      config.vm.provider "parallels" do |prl, override|
        #prl.memory = 1024
        #prl.customize ["set", :id, "--nested-virt", "on"]
        # Record which Vagrantfile created the VM
        prl.customize ["set", :id, "--description", __FILE__]
        # Set Parallels to automatically reclaim disk space after shutdown. Sample command:
        #   prlctl list --info --json ubuntu22_default_1670598894122_54405 \
        #   | jq '.[0]["Home path"]' \
        #   | xargs -n1 sed -i -e 's#<ReclaimDiskSpace>0</ReclaimDiskSpace>#<ReclaimDiskSpace>1</ReclaimDiskSpace>#p'
        override.trigger.after [:up] do |trigger|
          trigger.info = "Configuring Parallels to automatically reclaim disk space on shutdown"
          trigger.ruby do |env,machine|
            system("~/.vagrant.d/prl_conf_reclaim_disk_space.sh #{machine.id}")
        # Switch first disk to SCSI, so it supports TRIM/DISCARD
        #prl.customize ["set", :id,
        #  "--device-set", "hdd0",
        #    "--type", "expand",
        #    "--iface", "scsi",
        #    "--subtype", "lsi-spi",
        #    "--online-compact", "on",
        #  ]
        #prl.name = "hostname"
        prl.cpus = 8
      config.vm.provision "Set timezone",
        type: "shell",
        inline: <<-SHELL
          if [[ ! -e "$PROFILE" ]]
            echo "export TZ=Europe/London" > "$PROFILE"
            chmod 0644 "$PROFILE"
            source "$PROFILE"
      config.vm.provision "Configure disk trimming",
        type: "shell",
        inline: <<-SHELL
          # Add 'discard' option to swap definition, and reactivate swap
          sed -i  -e 's/\\(\\sswap\\s\\+sw\\)\\(\\s\\)/\\1,discard\\2/' /etc/fstab
          swapoff --all
          swapon --all
          # Silently abort if OS does not have support
          which fstrim    >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0
          which systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0
          sed -e 's/^\\s\\+//' > /sbin/shrink_disks <<'      EOF'
          set -x
          # Free blocks no longer used by file-systems
          fstrim --verbose --all   # Mounted file-systems
          fstrim --verbose --fstab # Defined in /etc/fstab
          ) >/dev/tty0 2>&1
          chmod 0755 /sbin/shrink_disks
          sed -e 's/^\\s\\+//' > /etc/systemd/system/shrink_disks.service <<'      EOF'
          Description=Discard unused storage blocks during shutdown
          systemctl daemon-reload
          systemctl enable --now --quiet shrink_disks.service

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