I recorded a video of 3 minutes 45 seconds length. It is an explanation for going through an Excel spreadsheet. When playing I realized that the video plays much faster while the audio is "normal". I imported the video file to Adobe Premiere in the hope to "stretch" the video while keeping the audio normal. Premiere however only interprets the video being 2 minutes long (actually 1 minute, 59 seconds and 24 frames, with a framerate of 30 fps. The audio inside Premiere stops at 2 minutes as well, so I cannot use that feature. What is the problem here?
I am having the same issue. Frustrating as it works well otherwise. Any solution to this? Thanks, Rick
Hello, ChristianS10 Does problem continue to occur? Can you try to record screen using QuickTime and tell me do you have same problem with QuickTime? Can you send me resulted video file with problem?
Hello ReckA1 Does problem continue to occur? Can you try to record screen using QuickTime and tell me do you have same problem with QuickTime? Can you send me resulted video file with problem?