Register custom windows protocol on OSX through App

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by MarcoW2, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. MarcoW2

    MarcoW2 Junior Member

    Some Windows Applications support custom protocols (similar to http, ftp, etc) to instruct the application by clicking or navigating to a URL.
    • This is registered in Windows as such:
    • I've found out, when sharing the Windows applications to the Mac, Parallels creates these <MyProgramm>.App on the fly.
    • If the info.plist in this package is extended with the following lines, the URLs can also be activated on the Mac, launching Parallels and the Program and passing the URL to the application.
    <string>CaseTalk Helper</string>

    It would therefor be very impressive if Parallels could automatically detect the Windows Registry Protocol settings, and also make them known in the App-Package for the Mac.
    MatthewR20 likes this.
  2. MarcoW2

    MarcoW2 Junior Member

    Naturally "CaseTalk Helper" and the protocol "casetalk", should be replaced with whatever is in the Windows Registry.

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