Thank you for the reply.
In the first instance, as noted above, the option "Share Mac Applications with Windows" was UNCHECKED before and after the update to Parallels. During the update Parallels Tools installed itself WITHOUT prompting for an answer.
Then, after this update and unprompted and un-asked for install of Parallel Tools, a right-click on a file in Windows shows various Mac options "Open on Mac", "Show in Finder" and with "Open With" one sees Mac applications. I know the Open With selections for Mac apps was not there before, but I did not take note of the other items previously.
I tried your suggestion of "disabling and enabling this option for several times". Well, it had no effect at all.
I also tried toggling on Isolation repeatedly, but no effect at all on this behaviour. And at any rate, I do not want a completely isolated Widows VM (more on this below).
It seems totally crazy to me to have to toggle an application's options repeatedly to see if that might have an effect.
One should only have to set a configuration option and know that it is set or unset - not "maybe set" or "maybe unset". Surely Parallels developers and coders would not design in a configuration option the might take effect?
What did work, thanks to hints from iSteveT and Oakfield above, was to remove "%appdata%\Roaming\Parallels\Shared Applications" (actually just renamed it).
Here's what I am really wanting to accomplish;
- a Windows 7 Pro VM that mimics a stand-alone Windows box
- the Windows VM appears to have no integration with Mac applications
- ability for VM to use Mac hardware resources obviously - like network connection, USB devices, optical drive, etc.
- the ability to have a directory/folder that is read/write between Mac and PC (ie: shared drop box)
Last edited: Jun 25, 2012