Removing the open with associations from Windows 7

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by iSteveT, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. YanaYana


    It is thank you. I suggest you to try disabling and enabling this option for several times and check the issue. If it is stil there - reinstall Parallels Tools. You may try to turn on the full isolation in Configure - Option - Security in order to check if it helps with removing Mac apps from Windows
  2. KB from Ontario

    KB from Ontario Junior Member

    Thank you for the reply.

    In the first instance, as noted above, the option "Share Mac Applications with Windows" was UNCHECKED before and after the update to Parallels. During the update Parallels Tools installed itself WITHOUT prompting for an answer.

    Then, after this update and unprompted and un-asked for install of Parallel Tools, a right-click on a file in Windows shows various Mac options "Open on Mac", "Show in Finder" and with "Open With" one sees Mac applications. I know the Open With selections for Mac apps was not there before, but I did not take note of the other items previously.


    I tried your suggestion of "disabling and enabling this option for several times". Well, it had no effect at all.

    I also tried toggling on Isolation repeatedly, but no effect at all on this behaviour. And at any rate, I do not want a completely isolated Widows VM (more on this below).

    It seems totally crazy to me to have to toggle an application's options repeatedly to see if that might have an effect.

    One should only have to set a configuration option and know that it is set or unset - not "maybe set" or "maybe unset". Surely Parallels developers and coders would not design in a configuration option the might take effect?

    What did work, thanks to hints from iSteveT and Oakfield above, was to remove "%appdata%\Roaming\Parallels\Shared Applications" (actually just renamed it).


    Here's what I am really wanting to accomplish;

    - a Windows 7 Pro VM that mimics a stand-alone Windows box
    - the Windows VM appears to have no integration with Mac applications
    - ability for VM to use Mac hardware resources obviously - like network connection, USB devices, optical drive, etc.
    - the ability to have a directory/folder that is read/write between Mac and PC (ie: shared drop box)
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  3. YanaYana


    well actually what happened on your machine was some kind of unexpected behaviour or misconfigurtion. And all the items in the list are accessible through the current version of Parallels Desktop
  4. ManojA

    ManojA Bit poster

    Launch your Windows VM
    Goto Virtual Machine --> COnfigure -- > Applications Tab
    You can uncheck share windows apps with mac and mac apps with wondows
  5. Loki_stormbringer

    Loki_stormbringer Bit poster

    I have the same exact issue. I isolated windows from the mac from the steps posted here and that does NOT fix the issue.

    I run VMware for years prior to this with out any issue. I purchased a new macbookpro and a new copy of Paralells. Fresh install of windows and I shared everything between windows and he mac to test the experience. After testing I prefer to have them mostly separate except for sharing folders so I can access documents across both Windows / Mac. After disabling the application sharing the Open with selection is still filled with (MAC) apps like previously posted. I even turned on full isolation and that doesn't help. I suggest in the next update that you have your windows client check its own settings and apply them to windows appropriately. This is very frustrating for a tool that is supposed to help.
  6. YanaYana


    I suggest you to reinstall Parallels Tools from the top menu - Virtual Machine - Reinstall Parallels Tools
  7. PontaV

    PontaV Bit poster

    This is obviously a Parallels bug, and a bad one. I have the same issue; I need to use the "Open with" menu for demo purposes and it looks really bad if it's 95% Mac apps. I have been trying to turn this off for a long time.

    I tried turning off Application Sharing, both ways. I isolated the Windows install from the Mac. I reinstalled Parallels Tools. Tried several of these many times.

    And yet, still, the Mac apps appear in the "Open with" menu.

    This is such a simple thing and should be something you can switch off with the first option anyone looks for, the Configure option to stop sharing apps. Enough people have this problem that it clearly is not their problem, but one with the software. And yet, after people clearly state they have tried all the workarounds mentioned here, Parallels support people just repeat the exact same worthless steps that haven't solved the problem for anyone.

    Come on, Parallels--simply admit that you blew it and issue a fix. Hopefully without charging me another $40 for the 6th time.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2012
  8. YanaYana


    I didn't manage to reproduce the issue myself - would you please send the Problem Report from Help menu and post the report ID here?
  9. LorenF

    LorenF Junior Member

    I have this problem in Win8 also

    I have tried isolation and reinstalling parallels tools. I just installed Build 8.0.18305 and same behavior. I would like copy and paste to function but I need the all the (Mac) versions of applications gone from Windows and I do not want to edit the registry to do it.
  10. LorenF

    LorenF Junior Member

    I looks like if I install a new Win8 with isolation on and sharing off during install the (Mac) programs are not there. I turned isolation off and they did not reappear (so far). Now all I need to do is the many hours (days) of setting up all over again. I am very disappointed that if the system did this automatically for me there is no way to turn it off.
  11. YanaYana


    Loren, the next time please send the probelem report to us so that we can investigate the issue.
  12. LorenF

    LorenF Junior Member

    I still have the problem so here is the number 19314879.

    I thought looking a the forums was a good place to start and you are telling me not to?
  13. YanaYana


    Thanks, i've forwarded this issue to our development team
  14. YanaYana


    Try after disabling applications sharing go to
    C:\Users\User_name\AppData\Roaming\Parallels and delete Shared Applications
  15. LorenF

    LorenF Junior Member

    You suggested that on Jun 17, 2012, 12:37 PM. I tried "disabling applications sharing" and I tried also tried "isolation" and neither have any effect.
  16. YanaYana


    Did you try to remove folder manually? (last instruction)
  17. LorenF

    LorenF Junior Member

    Sorry I missed the second line, yes that worked fine.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  18. YanaYana


    Great, i'm glad it worked
  19. polyglotinc

    polyglotinc Bit poster

    Open With... pollution is still a problem

    I too am having this problem of not being able to turn off extra items in "open with..." menu. It takes FOREVER for that menu to pop up (even when I am just quickly moving my mouse past the menu).
    All my VMs have the option to not share apps turned off but it makes no difference. (and a piece of software is seriously flawed if the answer is "reinstall it").
  20. KB from Ontario

    KB from Ontario Junior Member

    Dear Parallels support staff and developers,

    This issue is clearly a problem with Parallels, and one that I think you folks can fix easily.

    If you look at post #22 in this thread posted on June 26, 2012 you can see the solution I found (thanks to other users posting it) ....

    That post also notes that Parallels update installs these these Parallels Tools no matter what - no choice by user - which is why I've not updated since, in spite of several updates being pushed out.

    It is disappointing to see that Parallels has not yet resolved this issue. In the face of not having resolved the issue, it is especially disappointing that Parallels fail to clearly spell out that to resolve it you have to do specific things manually.

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