Run Snow Leopard In Parallels 8 In Mountain Lion, From A Snow Leopard Partition

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by Kurt Todoroff, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Kurt Todoroff

    Kurt Todoroff Member

    iMac 27-inch, Late 2009
    Quad-Core i7, 2.8GHz
    OS X 10.8.2

    Parallels 8 Desktop
    All updates installed

    I formatted the internal hard drive as a 970GB partition (Mountain Lion) and a 30GB partition (Snow Leopard). Like many people, I boot into the SL partition from time to time to run PPC applications. Then, I boot back into ML when I am done using the PPC application. This is cumbersome.

    I use Parallels to run three Windows business applications that are not available on OS X.

    Let's assume that the Apple Snow Leopard EULA is not a factor, and that I am running Snow Leopard Server on the 30GB partition. This is not the case, but let's assume so for this posting. Can I run SLS in Parallels from the 30GB SLS partition, the same way that many people run Windows in Parallels from Boot Camp? I have not located any information that addresses this configuration. Obviously, I could access my PPC applications real-time without rebooting into the SLS partition.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Kurt Todoroff
    Todoroff Foods Incorporated
  2. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    You can try creating a new OSX VM then point the Disk device to Bootcamp, but unlikely (never tried it) it will recognize the SL partition as a bootcamp partition. The bootcamp functionality in Parallels is unfortunately only targeted at Windows.
  3. Kurt Todoroff

    Kurt Todoroff Member

    Hello Specimen,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I really like the idea of running SL in Parallels from the SL partition. I hope that some of the visitors to this forum have tried this idea using SLS, and will share their experiences. If the Parallels Desktop does not support this configuration, then perhaps Parallels will add this functionality to it in a future release. I am certain that a lot of Mac users would jump on this to regain PPC/Rosetta functionality.

    I have read quite a bit of commentary about Apple's SL EULA, and various interpretations of it. I don't want to spend any more money on solutions such as purchasing a SLS license. It's unfortunate that Apple have not modified the SL EULA to be consistent with the Lion/ML EULA, thus, solving this problem.

    Thank you, Specimen.

    Kurt Todoroff
  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    One possible reason as to why Apple didn't modify the EULA is that that modification would cause inertia in Mac software devs, where instead of updating their apps to work on L and ML they would just point users to run them on a VM. If you take that in consideration it's not such a clear cut decision.
  5. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member


    Try adding a ServerVersion.plist file using Terminal into SLS partition as follows and then see if Parallels will use the SL partition:

    touch '/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist'

    However, I suspect that Parallels will just not accept a SL partition as it would a Bootcamp partition. Remove the ServerVersion.plist file, as it interferes with the System Update function, unless further modified.

    The solution that does exist to run Snow Leopard in Parallels effectively duplicates your SL partition with the addition of a Mac OS X Snow Leopard.pvm file in ~/Documents/Parallels/.

    I use this environment (which is in the low 20GB size, depending upon how many applications I have loaded into Snow Leopard and I never save data files into any virtualized environment) in addition to a Windows XP environment that I run periodically with Parallels.

    It is a common urban myth that the Snow Leopard EULA prohibits the virtualization of Snow Leopard in Lion and Mountain Lion.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
  6. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Reader's discretion is advised:
    I'm not a lawyer, but this claim has not been proven or demonstrated and contradicts known facts such as Parallels, VMWare and VirtualBox actively blocking the creation of Leopard Client and Snow Leopard Client VMs per Apple's request/imposition. The EULA does not in fact permit such usage. Because it is a license agreement the user doesn't actually own the software, in turn the user is granted certain rights on how to use it. The software can only be used the way the license explicitly grants permission/licenses the user for.
    A license is not a transfer of ownership but a permission to use under its terms, it is a statement made by the owner that they will not sue you if you comply with its provisions, albeit actually upholding EULAs and SLAs in courts has had mixed results
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2012
  7. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member

    Now we return you to the original program, which is already in progress!

    Kurt: let me know if you need any assistance over at the MacRumors thread that is linked above...
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2012
  8. Kurt Todoroff

    Kurt Todoroff Member

    My brother gave his SLS disks to me to install over SL on the 30GB SL partition. He doesn't use them anymore. The installer will not install SLS over SL on the 30GB SL partition.

    Does anyone know of a method (albeit unsanctioned, I concede) to fool Parallels into running SL from the 30GB SL partition, the same way that many people run Windows in Parallels from Boot Camp? Parallels might remove this posting from the forums. However, I am at a dead end.

    Thank you.

    Kurt Todoroff
    Todoroff Foods Incorporated
  9. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member

    There is no way to run Snow Leopard in Parallels from a separately installed SL partition ala Bootcamp for Windows.

    There must be a Snow Leopard or Snow Leopard Server.pvm file for Parallels to run, requiring that SL or SLS be installed into Parallels.

    Now that you have Snow Leopard Server, just install that into Parallels and your problem is solved.
  10. Kurt Todoroff

    Kurt Todoroff Member

    Hello Michael,

    Thank you for your reply. Note to Parallels: add support for Parallels to boot from a Mac partition ala Bootcamp/Windows.

    Does your reply imply that Parallels 8 does support a SL VM? I thought that we established that it would not do so.

    I have reread your reply:

    "The solution that does exist to run Snow Leopard in Parallels effectively duplicates your SL partition with the addition of a Mac OS X Snow Leopard.pvm file in ~/Documents/Parallels/."

    Here is an idea. If I created a disk image of my 30GBSL partition, and then performed the procedure:

    " touch '/Volumes/DISK IMAGE NAME/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist' "

    on this disk image, would Parallels properly recognize it and use it to install SL into the VM?

    Thank you.

    Kurt Todoroff
    Todoroff Foods Incorporated
  11. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member

    I doubt that would work.

    What is the problem to just install SLS into Parallels, creating a new Mac OS X SLS.pvm file, and then installing your PowerPC apps into that?

    Maybe with more details I can understand your problem... What are you trying to achieve?
  12. Kurt Todoroff

    Kurt Todoroff Member

    Hello Michael,

    There is no problem. My objectives have remained unchanged since my original posting.

    One of those objectives is to expend the least amount of time and effort to create an environment to run PPC apps real-time within a Lion session. The effort to install SLS into Parallels might exceed the cost benefit ratio that I am comfortable with. It might be easier and simpler to reboot into the 30GB SL partition (as I have been doing), and then forego the other OS X services during that session, than it is to embark on installing SLS into Parallels. I have not determined this, yet. However, I will not start the SLS into Parallels effort until I have exhausted all other potential solutions.

    You seem impatient with me. I hope that this is not the case.

    Thank you.

    Kurt Todoroff
    Todoroff Foods Incorporated
  13. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member

    My mistake: I have been in London (until this Monday) with limited computer time and I confused which thread I was responding to...

    Reviewing your original post: you currently do a "dual-boot" method with Snow Leopard installed into a 30GB partition on your hard drive and you seek the easiest solution to install SL/SLS into Parallels to achieve a concurrent method of running Rosetta with in Lion/Mt. Lion.

    1. There is no capability to use a SL or SLS partition as a Parallels files, in the way it uses Bootcamp for Windows. The likelihood that Parallels would address this issue is non-existent, as their product has many Windows users and very few Snow Leopard users (and the universe of Snow Leopard users is even smaller when considering those, like you, who still have the functionality to boot into Snow Leopard. Most SL users have newer Macs that cannot boot into SL).

    2. The easiest solution is to just install Snow Leopard Server into Parallels, especially now as you have your brother's copy (which I assume is fully licensed and properly transferred to you for your use). This will create a new .pvm file in Users/Documents/Parallels which will be about 16GB large and will grow as you install PowerPC apps into it.

    Parallels 8 will include instructions for installation of Snow Leopard Server into it.

    On a side note, perhaps once Snow Leopard Server (or Snow Leopard for that matter) is running, maybe it is possible to run your PowerPC apps using the Shared Folder (or file sharing) from your Snow Leopard partition without having to reinstall them into the Snow Leopard virtual environment. Let me know if this works and if it does, this is clearly the easiest way for you to get concurrent environments.

    3. Next approach is to install Snow Leopard into Parallels using my instructions over on the MacRumors forum linked above. More time consuming initially, but less expensive if you have to purchase Snow Leopard and/or Snow Leopard Server.

    Let me know what additional information you seek.
  14. YanaYana


    This definitely won't work. Please virtualise Mas OS Server
  15. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member

    Mr Yana: could you please confirm if this will work for Snow Leopard Server (your last post was not specific enough to determine what you suggest will not work):

    On a side note, perhaps once Snow Leopard Server is running, maybe it is possible to run your PowerPC apps using the Shared Folder (or file sharing) from your Snow Leopard Server partition without having to reinstall them into the Snow Leopard Server virtual environment. Let me know if this works and if it does, this is clearly the easiest way for you to get concurrent environments.
  16. Kurt Todoroff

    Kurt Todoroff Member

    I attempted to install SLS into Parallels from a disk image that I created from the SLS installation disk. Parallels returned the following message:

    "There is no operating system installed in this virtual machine. Please insert an operating
    system installation CD into the optical drive of your Mac and restart the virtual machine"

    I did select "Continue without disk" during the process, so that I could install SLS from a disk image that resides on the hard drive. I have read several occurrences of this problem. The only solution was for them to use the Installer DVD. I'll bring it to my office tomorrow morning. In the interim, is there a workaround solution? Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you.

    Kurt Todoroff
    Todoroff Foods Incorporated
  17. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member

    Use the actual SLS install DVD anfd follow Parallels instructions for installing SL Server.
  18. Kurt Todoroff

    Kurt Todoroff Member

    I attempted to install SLS into Parallels from DVD. During the process, I saw what appeared to be a Mac desktop (a blue-ish purple starlit night sky). Then, the system displayed a message that states:

    "Mac OS X can't be installed on this computer."
    "If you want to restore your system from a Time Machine backup,
    click "Restore from Backup"."

    Restore From Backup [button] Restart [button]

    I don't possess a time machine backup, so I clicked Restart. This returns the system to the installation, which presents this same message. It's in a loop.


    Kurt Todoroff
    Todoroff Foods Incorporated
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  19. Kurt Todoroff

    Kurt Todoroff Member

    I may have discovered the problem. The SLS DVD states "Mac Mini". I called my brother about the licensing implications. He said that he gave the disks to me because his Mac Mini resides in the closet, unused, not plugged in. So, the licensing issue is not an issue. However, I am confident that this is the problem.

    Kurt Todoroff
    Todoroff Foods Incorporated
  20. MichaelLAX

    MichaelLAX Member

    It sounds like your brother purchased a Mac Mini Server with Snow Leopard Server and gave you his machine specific Server discs to install. These disks are grey and looks something like this (with it being for a Mac Mini):


    You need the full retail Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server Install DVD which looks something like this (with it being a SERVER disc):


    Hence you probably do not have the proper copy of SLS to install. SLS cost $399 and up when first introduced by Apple and is now available for $125 and less from sources like eBay.

    If you want to install the Snow Leopard client DVD (which is now available from Apple for $19.95), you must follow the detailed instructions I have posted on MacRumors, which was linked for you earlier in this thread.

    If you send me a freshly purchased copy of the Mac OS X Snow Leopard Install DVD, a 16GB flash drive and return postage, I will do the heavy lifting for you. In return, I enjoy a good bowl of chili... :)
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012

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