same app launched twice

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by MarcoJ6, Jul 16, 2024.

  1. MarcoJ6

    MarcoJ6 Bit poster

    We have a minor issue with our published applications.

    When an application, such as the calculator, is launched twice on a Windows 10 client, how can we prevent both instances from appearing in front of all other applications when one is clicked? Currently, only if Calculator 2 is minimized beforehand does it not show in the foreground of other apps on screen 2. Is there a way to manage this through settings?

    Thank you for your assistance.
  2. ChristianH32

    ChristianH32 Member

    Hi @MarcoJ6 ,
    are you running memshell mode or rdp mode? try to user RDP mode and have a look if there the behavior is as expcect.

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