Screen goes black while windows logs in

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Android' started by bmaxam, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. bmaxam

    bmaxam Guest

    Hi, I am using the 2xClient to log into a windows 7 Pro machine. The user / password is preconfigured in the client settings and when I launch the client the screen shows the windows welcome screen then goes black for about 30-45 secs, then comes back and shows the desktop and the POS application loading properly. Once loaded everything seems to be working fine, however this delay is new in this Android OS (3.2) where as my previous testing was on Android 2.2 and there was no black screen and a quick load time. The big difference here is the Android device. The first tests were on a Samsung Galaxy 7.0 and the new tests are on the Samsung Galaxy 7.0 Plus. Please let me know if you have any tricks that I can try to get rid of this black screen. Thanks!
  2. woqz

    woqz Hunter

    have you tried clearing the cache or reinstalling the client?

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