Screen recording w/ picture-in-picture camera feeds

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by JeanM4, Jun 3, 2020.

  1. JeanM4

    JeanM4 Bit poster

    Using Parallels to run Windows / Kali Linux / FreeBSD etc while teaching, explaining tutorials or lecturing a team is great, and parallels tool box is useful to do it without further third party applications. However, one still cant record the screen while capturing from camera at the same time.

    Therefore, it would be great if Window Recording features, all of them (area recording, full screen and window recording) have an option to capture video from camera, allowing the instructor / teacher to record himself while explaining.
    • This feature would allow the PiP feature to be selectable (size and location).
    • Ideally, some keyboard shortcut would allow reverse PiP (record from camera and keeping the screen in the small PiP).
    • If multiple cameras are available, allow at least 2 simultaneous cameras (say presenter, attendees)
    • Keyboard Shortcuts would allow hiding and showing PiP1, PiP2, reversing from PiP1 or PiP2.
    • Output could have an option to save not only the main recorded work, but also separated files for cameras and for screen, just in case presenter may use the video feed for further editing on other apps like iMovie, Final Cut, Premiere, so on.
    TomK18 likes this.
  2. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    Thank you, we have this feature request filed and it may appear in one of the future releases of Toolbox!

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