Serial adapter driver issues Windows 11 22H2 on M1 Macbook Pro

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by KrisS1, Jun 7, 2024.

  1. KrisS1

    KrisS1 Bit poster

    Macbook Pro 18,1 16" 2021, M1 Pro
    Parallels 19.4.0, latest version and latest parallels toolbox
    Windows 11 Pro 22H2
    Windows update says I'm up to date but underneath says 2024-05 cumulative update preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for arm64 based systems (KB5037853) is available we couldn't install this update but you can try again (0x800f0845)

    I Have a couple of different USB-A serial adapters with a USB-C-USB-A hub that I'd like to use with a few different PLCs/VFDs and I can't seem to get any to install properly and actually work - drivers install, no colors or exclamation points on Device Manager, gives me a com port number, but when I try to use them in the software (Click programming software V3.43 or Schneider SoMove) they won't connect to the device on the other side of the serial adapter
    The one I'm currently fighting with identifies as a ft232r usb uart in "bus reported device description", have downloaded the FTDI drivers for Windows ARM, when I check installed driver details it shows, have also tried the Microsoft USB serial device driver - both install the driver fine but for some reason I'm not getting any communication out the other end of the serial adapter
    If I go to update driver -> browse for drivers and point towards the unzipped folder I get error "windows could not locate drivers" if I go update driver -> browse for drivers -> let me pick -> have disk and point towards either FTDIPORT.inf or FTDIBUS.inf when I hit OK it pops back up the "install from disk" window like there it didn't recognize the driver
    I've also tried Prolific and Parallels USB serial port device drivers but those have an error at the end of updating the driver they say device will not start and I get the yellow error icon in Device manager
    When this adapter connected to a Click PLC I can see the rx/tx LEDs blinking when I use it and the same programming software with my other Macbook (an Intel machine running Win10 on VMWare) but the other macbook feels slow and has terrible battery life compared with the M1 so I'd much rather use this one. When I try to connect with the M1 Macbook I get no communication lights at all on the Click device and after a short while the Click programming software gives the error "PTC-007 cannot connect to the PLC" which is the same error I get with the Intel Macbook if I have the USB side connected to the laptop and the PLC side plug disconnected

    I do know the USB hub is working correctly with the M1 macbook as I can plug other devices like thumb drives and keyboards into it and they work fine

    I'm not sure if its relevant but I do have another USB serial adapter device (a Fluke OC4USB optical serial adapter to connect to a Fluke 435 meter) that had previously worked with this same install of Windows 11, but I suspect that a windows update broke it a month or two ago. I'm not sure if the Click PLC serial adapter I'm currently stuck on would have previously worked at the same time the OC4USB did as I'm on a different project now and haven't previously tried with this M1 to do anything with the Click

    Appreciate any help or insight you can give
  2. KrisS1

    KrisS1 Bit poster

    Still no fix for the windows update situation but I did figure out the Click USB adapter issue
    Apparently if the driver is anywhere on the mac side windows doesn't want it. So I downloaded the latest zip of from FTDI's website, unzipped it on the mac, copied the entire folder in windows from where it was on mac HD>users>me>downloads folder to a new folder I made on the Windows 11 VM at C:\driverbs\
    Once I did that, went to update drivers on the device and pointed it to the ARM release folder inside C:\driverbs, went to device manager noted the com port started up the Click programming software and told it to use Com3, passed the connection check and was able to connect to the PLC just fine and upload the project

    Real stupid that it won't acknowledge a driver in a folder it can see unless it's somewhere on C:\ but at least it works now. Next hassle is going to be figuring out why my windows update won't work.
  3. SiriwutS


    I just still couldn't do it, it said that it was unable to install btw I have followed every steps.

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