Service Announcement for Users of Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Chris@Parallels, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Curtmantle

    Curtmantle Bit poster

    The argument that keeps getting glossed over here is that the product that's been rendered useless isn't old... it was released two years ago and only superseded one year ago. When I bought it I didn't expect to be in this situation 18 months later.

    For me, the issue isn't so much about the amount of money, it's purely the principle. In this situation I'd expect the company to say something "Sorry, but I'm afraid your current version won't work with the latest OSX and it isn't financially viable for us to make changes to it... but here's what we're prepared to do..." and then make some kind of conciliatory offer.

    What we got was "Your version of Parallels won't work with the latest OSX... you have to upgrade. Bye".

    It's a poor example of customer service and the company has done nothing to address it since either, presumably on the assumption that a few dissenting voices won't make much difference to their bottom line. Hopefully that isn't the case.
  2. prodigalmike

    prodigalmike Bit poster

    Soory, but no it does not. I'm done.

    No it does not. You only answer the parts you want. I am done setting our machines up and we will not be upgrading or buying more. New copies of office on some, Photoshop on two. Problem solved. No more post from me. I tried. You did nothing. Check registration. You won't find me or my church buying any more. We don't need it after all. Thanks anyway?

  3. Curtmantle

    Curtmantle Bit poster

    I have done the same thing on Amazon UK.
  4. joshuaad

    joshuaad Bit poster

    I understand but...

    I get the frustration. I wish I didn't have to pay for the upgrade either. At the end of the day, it's a business decision. The key here is to know if it would be a different experience from any of the competition. I suspect it wouldn't. Looking at CrossOver Mac from Code Weavers it specifically states you'd get free upgrades for ONE year. No more. How is that a better deal. I'm not sure what VMware does either. And Virtual Box is free but it's not an apples to apples comparison.

    Anyway, best to accept what it and focus on more productive activities.
  5. sgniwder

    sgniwder Member

    It may be buried in this thread, but does anyone know the answer to this?
  6. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Hi sgniwder,

    Upgrade protection was a program we offered in the weeks before the release of our latest version. It is only available for a limited period of time and is offered to customers as an "add-on" when they are outside the Tech Guarantee period.


  7. sgniwder

    sgniwder Member

    thank you for letting me know.

    FTLOSM Junior Member

    I am still considered a novice when it comes to the imac, still learning as I go with it as time allows, coming from windows and wanting an easier transition, I read up on, read views for and bought/registered parallels 7 on 7/10/2012.

    I got the upgrade to parallels 8 emails starting in November of 2012 talking about being ready for windows 8 but I didn't plan to upgrade to windows 8, so I didn't upgrade since I had just bought the program a few months before that in July.

    To be able to upgrade to mac OS X Mavericks I see the fee is $49 to upgrade to parallels 9, I don't understand why the cost is so high and how long will I use parallel 9 before I get notices and emails saying upgrade to parallels 10 or 11 to continue using the latest versions or updates of the imac.

    I feel kind of stuck at the moment, I am not very tech savy and had trouble even getting parallels 7 installed and running but if I want to upgrade the mac software I have to pay $49 and say a prayer it all goes smooth to upgrade, if I do the p9 upgrade, does it uninstall p7 and I have to reset everything up or does p9 retain my current setup and settings just bring me up to date?

    If I uninstall parallels what all will it effect in terms of me booting the machine in bootcamp to use windows 7 (I do not plan to upgrade to windows 8), maybe I will just have to uninstall p7 and use bootcamp method, or just choose to not upgrade the mac side of things and stick with p7, I am so frustrated and honestly confused.

    When I first got the mac I had installed and ran windows 7 via the bootcamp method, but quickly realized how much more convenient parallels made using both, now I am in a situation where I am at a crossroads of moving forward, paying for the upgrade and hoping I can get it all working smooth (for who knows how long till I must do this all again) or just go back to bootcamp if that is even an option since I don't know what effects removing parallels 7 will do/cause.
  9. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    When you upgrade Parallels Desktop 7 to 9, it keeps all your settings and you will not have to reinstall the virtual machine.
    The upgrade is fully automatic - all you need is to install Parallels Desktop 9 (it will remove ver. 7) and activate it with your license key.
    When you launch your virtual machine after upgrade for the first time, it will automatically reinstall Parallels Tools and convert your VM to a new version.
    You can also watch these videos for more information:
  10. DianaN

    DianaN Bit poster

    Trying to find out the file size for the upgrade - I understand it needs 700MB free space, but what's the size of the download? Can I still run XP?
  11. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    The size of the download is about 375 MB, and yes, it can run everything that ran on PDM 7, including XP (Why would they drop support for XP?).
  12. Glassmatter

    Glassmatter Bit poster

    Reminds me of what Quicken did with their product. Making older products obsolete so you were forced to upgrade. I no longer have their product on my system. I guess I will have to look at Bootcamp or VirtualBox. The $49 just seems a bit too high for me.
  13. WadeJS

    WadeJS Bit poster

    Chris your website recommends upgrading to Version 9 from 7 before upgrading to Maverick, is there any problem upgrading after you have already upgraded to Maverick?
  14. FTLOSM

    FTLOSM Junior Member

    Well I grabbed Parallels 9 from newegg on a deal and followed the video instructions given above seemed to go very much straight forward and seemless, downloading os x mavericks now, hope that works well too!
  15. madashell

    madashell Bit poster

    I upgraded to Mavericks without knowledge of this situation. I am maintaining a Mountain Lion bootable external drive, and I'd like to move my Parallels desktop there. The installation package I got when I originally bought Version 7 doesn't work, and I can't find the files I'd need to copy from my Mavericks disk to the Mountain Lion disk. Can someone help?
  16. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Download previous of versions link in my signature.
  17. madashell

    madashell Bit poster

    What's that mean? What's "my signature"?
  18. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    ". Previous versions download links:"
  19. madashell

    madashell Bit poster

    Thanks for your patience. I'll try the link.
  20. madashell

    madashell Bit poster

    I tied it. I get an error message to the effect that Safari can't find the server.

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