Hi, I found 2x android on the market and would like to use it to connect to my home desktop so I can access certain software. However, after I downloaded it, I totally don't know how to set up a connection? I was never really a server infrastructure kind of guy (more of a programmer/finance person) and I totally don't know what to type in the fields required. Do I even need to install any software on my desktop? or need to configure anything? or I just need to setup my android tab and I can access my home desktop? Server: Enter the primary server name or IP address of the connection. This should be the name or IP where the 2X Secure Client Gateway resides. --- What is this IP? IP of my desktop? and I don't know what this mean "IP where the 2X Secure Client Gateway resides". How do I get my IP? Port: --- How do I know what to key in for the port number? Username/Password: --- username and password of what? my desktop account? Some other things which I'm not sure of. Anyone can help me on this? I totally don't know how to connect to my desktop.
Hi there, as long as you don't use the 2xGateway (2xApplicationServer), most properly you don't, use the Terminal server connection to connect. For this the desktop-OS you want to connect to needs to support so called remote desktop. This is available for server OS (2003/2008), pro, enterprise and ultimated versions. However NOT for home editions. Please check the manual (http://www.2x.com/docs/en/manuals/html/ ... droid.html -> Adding a New RDP Connection -> ): Alias: Just a name, what ever you want to call it. Server: Enter the primary server name or IP address of the connection. Basically the IP of the machine you want connect to. However it depends on your network environment, e.g. there is a router before etc. Port: For all RDP connections the default port is 3389 (important that the OS supports remote desktop). User Name/Password: Enter your account user name, i.e.: user@domain. Depends what you have set up. Kind regards,