Thread was moved from "General Discussions > User Solutions and Workarounds" to "Parallels Desktop for Mac > Windows Guest OS Discussion".
Stacey M
I know this has probably been addressed before, but since I'm not finding it in the forums, I thought I would ask.
I'm trying to use my (wirelessly) networked printer (an HP C3180) in Windows XP by means of Parallels.
Now I *know* I can use Bonjour for Windows to do this, but I am completely unwilling to open my Windows installation up to the myriad of viruses waiting to pounce upon it by providing it with a network connection (I have *all* networking options disabled).
So, my question is... is there any way to have Parallels "pass off" (so to speak) the print jobs from Windows to Mac OS X, and then Mac OS X can handle the AirPort printing?
I have already tried adding a printer in Windows and using the "connect to internet printer" option and typing in "". I also tried "http://my-macbook.local:631....", "smb://my-macbook.local:631...", and "" ( is the IP address that Personal Web Sharing gave me). No luck.
Thanks so much.
My configuration:
MacBook Core 2 Duo
Parallels build 1970
Mac OS X 10.4.8
Windows XP Home SP2
HP PhotoSmart C3180 connected via USB *to my AirPort Express*, which the Mac prints to just fine.
I have Printer Sharing and Windows Sharing turned on, and the C3180 is configured as a shared printer.
Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2007