Slow OSX shutdown if Parallels wasn't started

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by AgentMax, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. AgentMax

    AgentMax Junior Member


    I've discovered the following problem.
    Case 1: Starting OSX, starting Parallels with Bootcamp, closing Parallels, shutdown OSX -> approx 10 seconds for shutdown

    Case 2: Starting OSX, NOT starting Parallels with Bootcamp, shutdown OSX -> approx 40 seconds for shutdown.

    This happens all the time.

    Fast shutdown if Parallels was startet before.
    Slow shutdwon if Parallels wasn't startet before.

    MacBook Pro 2,8 late 08, 4 GB, 500 GB
  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Please submit report from Parallels Desktop - Help menu -selecting Report a Problem, and post here report ID
  3. AgentMax

    AgentMax Junior Member


    I have found the problem.
    The system is getting a timeout for "prl_disp_service".

    If I quit this before doing a restart its working perfect.
  4. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I submitted case to developers
  5. womprpg

    womprpg Bit poster

    the only way is to run parallels desktop before shutdown or restart right? wish developers will find the solution since we have paid for this luxury software
  6. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers


    Thank you very much for provided info. Could you please specify how you've determined that problem is around "prl_disp_service"? Did you mean here that you performed complete launchctl command to stop all Parallels environment or you just killed the prl_disp_service process itself?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  7. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers

    Also could you please attach here log file "/var/log/prl_disp_service_server.log"
  8. ariell

    ariell Member

    My parents just bought a new iMac and a copy of Parallels 4. I installed Parallels (haven't started using it much tho), but I think that the computer now takes a long time to shut down (maybe half a minute, or more?) whereas it was like 5 to 10 seconds top before. Could Parallels be causing this? I'm not using boot camp. Is there a fix for it? Maybe I need to update parallels (would that fix it?)?
  9. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers


    Unfortunately we still not reproduced this problem in our sandbox. Seems it's quite rare case and maybe depends on some special configuration of Mac. In any case please update your PD 4.0 to the latest version. If issue won't disable please make official request to the our support service at
  10. sweec sweec

    sweec sweec Bit poster

    I experienced the same problem with Parallels Desktop 4.0. OSX leopard takes a long time to shut down. If boot with "-v", it shows something related to "prl_disp_service" takes the time.
    Previously I thought it could be CiscoVPN, but the problem is still there after uninstall CiscoVPN.
    The required log file is attached.

    Attached Files:

  11. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers

    Thanks a lot for your help. Could you please also send us problem report and put here it id. Also could you specify whether you configured some of your virtual machines on auto start when PD 4.0 started?
  12. sweec sweec

    sweec sweec Bit poster

    I've reported the problem with a id of 102643. If I do not remember it wrong, I just used the default setting during the installation of virtual machine.
  13. sweec sweec

    sweec sweec Bit poster

    The message displayed during shutdown is like this:
    prl_disp_service didn't act on sigterm
    That means this process just won't terminate itself.
  14. Joel Ashman

    Joel Ashman Bit poster

    SLOW SHUT DOWN PARALLELS 4.0! Needs to be fixed

    I'm having the EXACT SAME PROBLEM of slow shutdown when using Parallels 4.0.3810 (January 23,2009). Each and every time I shut down I run into a process that makes the shutdown process take exponentially longer than it otherwise would or more importantly should.

    The below console reading happens in the order laid out during shutdown and are the only 5 instructions run prior to shutdown.

    3/27/09 11:41:16 PM[24] Shutdown NOW!
    3/27/09 11:41:16 PM[24] System shutdown time has arrived
    3/27/09 11:41:16 PM[1] (com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 140 PPID 1 prl_disp_service
    3/27/09 11:41:16 PM[1] (com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42]) Exited: Terminated

    The below console reading is during startup:

    3/28/09 9:28:16 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] No suitable device found for PVS0.
    3/28/09 9:28:18 AM[1] (com.parallels.vm.prl_naptd) Unknown key for boolean: SuccessfulExit
    3/28/09 9:28:19 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] Configuring en2...
    3/28/09 9:28:19 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] No System Preferences changes required.
    3/28/09 9:28:19 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] Configuring en3...
    3/28/09 9:28:19 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] No System Preferences changes required.

    I am running a new 17" unibody 2.93 ghz mac book pro. My operating system is Leopard 10.5.6.

    As for Launchd Services I have running in addition to Parallels are these:


    at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist -----This is OBDEV LittleSnitch Application
    com.adobe.versioncueCS4.plist -----This is part of Adobe CS4
    com.digidesign.fwfamily.helper.plist -----This is part of AVID MediaComposer 3.0 -----This belongs to Google Earth (latest version)
    PACESupport.plist -----This is PACE support


    at.obdev.LittleSnitchNetworkMonitor.plist ----This is part of OBDEV LittleSnitch Application
    at.obdev.LittleSnitchUIAgent.plist -----This is part of OBDEV LittleSnitch Application
    com.adobe.CS4ServiceManager.plist -----This is part of Adobe CS4 -----This is part of Google Earth (latest version)
    com.hp.launchurlagent.plist ------Not sure what this is
    com.parallels.desktop.launch.plist ------This belongs to Parallel's


    AW_flexIMStartupItem ------This is a licensing manager for Autodesk Application such as Maya
    Digidesign Mbox 2 ------This installs as part of Avid Media Composer 3.0
    DigidesignLoader -------This installs as part of Avid Media Composer 3.0
    MissingSyncMounting -------This is
    PACESupport ------This is PACESupport
    ParallelsDesktopTransporter ------This is Parallel's
    Qmaster -----This is Qmaster
    RetroRun -----This is RetroRun

    You guys need to take a look at a similarly configured system because my system was running BEAUTIFULLY BEFORE I installed Parallel's 4.0 and all the previous mentioned applications were installed prior to Parallels 4.0

    Any help on this matter would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

  15. Joel Ashman

    Joel Ashman Bit poster

    I'm having the EXACT SAME PROBLEM many others are having as listed on the Parallel's message boards of slow shutdown when using Parallels 4.0.3810 (January 23,2009). Each and every time I shut down my computer I run into a process that makes the shutdown process take exponentially longer than it otherwise would or more importantly should.

    The below console reading happens in the order laid out during shutdown and are the only 5 instructions run prior to shutdown.

    3/27/09 11:41:16 PM[24] Shutdown NOW!
    3/27/09 11:41:16 PM[24] System shutdown time has arrived
    3/27/09 11:41:16 PM[1] (com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 140 PPID 1 prl_disp_service
    3/27/09 11:41:16 PM[1] (com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42]) Exited: Terminated

    The faulty service is part of Parallel's is prl_disp_service.

    The below console reading is during startup:

    3/28/09 9:28:16 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] No suitable device found for PVS0.
    3/28/09 9:28:18 AM[1] (com.parallels.vm.prl_naptd) Unknown key for boolean: SuccessfulExit
    3/28/09 9:28:19 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] Configuring en2...
    3/28/09 9:28:19 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] No System Preferences changes required.
    3/28/09 9:28:19 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] Configuring en3...
    3/28/09 9:28:19 AM com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon[42] No System Preferences changes required.

    As for Launchd Services I have running in addition to Parallels are these:

    at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist -----This is OBDEV LittleSnitch Application
    com.adobe.versioncueCS4.plist -----This is part of Adobe CS4
    com.digidesign.fwfamily.helper.plist -----This is part of AVID MediaComposer 3.0 -----This belongs to Google Earth (latest version)
    PACESupport.plist -----This is PACE support

    at.obdev.LittleSnitchNetworkMonitor.plist ----This is part of OBDEV LittleSnitch Application
    at.obdev.LittleSnitchUIAgent.plist -----This is part of OBDEV LittleSnitch Application
    com.adobe.CS4ServiceManager.plist -----This is part of Adobe CS4 -----This is part of Google Earth (latest version)
    com.hp.launchurlagent.plist ------Not sure what this is
    com.parallels.desktop.launch.plist ------This belongs to Parallel's

    AW_flexIMStartupItem ------This is a licensing manager for Autodesk Application such as Maya
    Digidesign Mbox 2 ------This installs as part of Avid Media Composer 3.0
    DigidesignLoader -------This installs as part of Avid Media Composer 3.0
    MissingSyncMounting -------This is
    PACESupport ------This is PACESupport
    ParallelsDesktopTransporter ------This is Parallel's
    Qmaster -----This is Qmaster
    RetroRun -----This is RetroRun

    You guys need to take a look at a similarly configured system because my system was running BEAUTIFULLY BEFORE I installed Parallel's 4.0 and all the previous mentioned applications were installed prior to Parallels 4.0

    Any help on this matter would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

  16. Derin Esmer

    Derin Esmer Bit poster

    Update seems to fix it for me.

    I had the exact same symptoms on my MBP.

    Unfortunately I did not record which version I was on, but updating to the latest version [build 4.0.3810 as of April 09] did seem to have cured the issue for me - No more waiting extra 30 seconds during the shutdown cycle for prl_xxx to terminate...

    My 2 cents...

    P.S. Still though, these lines appear during shutdown:

    unmount of /home failed (45)
    unmount of /net failed (45)
    CPU halted
    Airport: link down on port: en1

    I guess these don't have anything to do with parallels. And I don't even know if these are troublesome in the first place...
  17. Joel Ashman

    Joel Ashman Bit poster

    I had been using the latest build 4.0.3810 as of April 09 and that was creating problems. I was also having the unmount of /home failed (45) and unmount of /net failed (45) but I have not been able to isolate those yet. I think it has something to do with samba connections through airport being connected to the machine before shutdown but not sure. To date I have uninstalled Parallel's and the problem has resolved. My shut down times are less that 10 seconds and the console reading during startup is perfectly as it should be:

    Apr 2 13:23:06 Macbook-Pro shutdown[207]: reboot by joel:
    Apr 2 13:23:06 Macbook-Pro shutdown[207]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1238703786 367613
    Apr 2 13:23:06 Macbook-Pro[160]: Shutdown NOW!
    Apr 2 13:23:06 Macbook-Pro mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-176.3 (Oct 16 2008 04:25:18)[23]: stopping
    Apr 2 13:23:06 Macbook-Pro[160]: System shutdown time has arrived^G^G
    Apr 2 13:23:06 Macbook-Pro mDNSResponder[23]: Note: Frequent transitions for interface en1 (***.***.*.*); network traffic reduction measures in effect
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: npvhash=4095
    Apr 2 13:23:26 localhost[1] (com.adobe.versioncueCS4): Unknown key: ServiceDescription
    Apr 2 13:23:26 localhost[1] ( Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
    Apr 2 13:23:26 localhost[1] (org.cups.cupsd): Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
    Apr 2 13:23:26 localhost[1] (org.ntp.ntpd): Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kextd[10]: 427 cached, 0 uncached personalities to catalog
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: PAE enabled
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: 64 bit mode enabled
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.2: Tue Jan 13 20:42:22 PST 2009; root:xnu-1228.9.80~1/RELEASE_I386
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 906081 free pages and 76959 wired pages
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 79
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: 105 prelinked modules
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Loading security extension
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Loading security extension
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Loading security extension
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for mb
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Seatbelt MACF policy initialized
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt Policy (mb)
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: MAC Framework successfully initialized
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x11 Vectors 64:87
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: mbinit: done
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: *******-****-****-****-************
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: BTCoexistence feature not supported!
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: wl0: Broadcom BCM432b 802.11 Wireless Controller
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]:
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID 0023dffffea0bbc4; max speed s800.
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@B/AppleMCP79AHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/ST9320421ASG Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: GFX0: family specific matching fails
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: IGPU: family specific matching fails
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
    Apr 2 13:23:27: --- last message repeated 4 times ---
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: IGPU: family specific matching fails ----Not sure why this is happening
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: GFX0: family specific matching fails ----Not sure why this is happening
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: AGC: 2.8.11, HW version=1.7.10, flags:0, features:1
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: GFX0: family specific matching fails
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: IGPU: family specific matching fails
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: initialization complete
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: GFX0: family specific matching fails
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: IGPU: family specific matching fails
    Apr 2 13:23:27 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 0
    Apr 2 13:23:29 localhost kernel[0]: [HCIController][configurePM] power parent ready after 1 tries
    Apr 2 13:23:31 localhost bootlog[37]: BOOT_TIME: 1238703803 0
    Apr 2 13:23:31 localhost rpc.statd[19]: statd.notify - no notifications needed
    Apr 2 13:23:32 localhost DirectoryService[33]: Launched version 5.6 (v514.24)
    Apr 2 13:23:32 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/[24]: Login Window Application Started -- Threaded auth
    Apr 2 13:23:33 localhost fseventsd[28]: bumping event counter to: 0xbf34 (current 0x0) from log file '0000000000007438'
    Apr 2 13:23:33 localhost kernel[0]: NVEthernet: Ethernet address **:**:**:**:**:**
    Apr 2 13:23:33 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm43xx: Ethernet address **:**:**:**:**:**
    Apr 2 13:23:33 localhost blued[46]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started.
    Apr 2 13:23:34 localhost /usr/sbin/ocspd[55]: starting
    Apr 2 13:23:35 localhost mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-176.3 (Oct 16 2008 04:25:18)[23]: starting
    Apr 2 13:23:36 localhost kernel[0]: NVEthernet::mediaChanged - Link Down
    Apr 2 13:23:36 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1
    Apr 2 13:23:36 localhost configd[35]: AppleTalk startup
    Apr 2 13:23:37 localhost loginwindow[24]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Apr 2 13:23:38 localhost authorizationhost[74]: MechanismInvoke 0x128a90 retainCount 2
    Apr 2 13:23:38 localhost SecurityAgent[76]: MechanismInvoke 0x101610 retainCount 1
    Apr 2 13:23:39 localhost SecurityAgent[76]: MechanismDestroy 0x101610 retainCount 1
    Apr 2 13:23:39 localhost loginwindow[24]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    Apr 2 13:23:39 localhost authorizationhost[74]: MechanismDestroy 0x128a90 retainCount 2
    Apr 2 13:23:39 localhost loginwindow[24]: USER_PROCESS: 24 console
    Apr 2 13:23:39 localhost[1] ([71]): Exited: Terminated
    Apr 2 13:23:39 localhost[77] ( Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
    Apr 2 13:23:44 Macbook-Pro configd[35]: setting hostname to "Macbook-Pro.local"
    Apr 2 13:23:44 Macbook-Pro[1] ([0x0-0x3003].com.dantz.RetroRunSL[75]): Exited: Terminated
    Apr 2 13:23:45 Macbook-Pro airportd[52]: Error: process_sc_callback() interfaces: 2\n<CFArray 0x1115c0 [0xa085a1a0]>{type = mutable-small, count = 2, values = (\n 0 : <CFString 0x12f170 [0xa085a1a0]>{contents = "en1"}\n 1 : <CFString 0x12fe00 [0xa085a1a0]>{contents = "en1"}\n)}
    Apr 2 13:23:45 Macbook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[50]: SFLSharePointsEntry::CreateDSRecord: dsCreateRecordAndOpen(powerbook's Public Folder) returned -14135 ----permissions issue
    Apr 2 13:23:45 Macbook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[50]: SFLSharePointsEntry::CreateDSRecord: dsCreateRecordAndOpen(macbook's Public Folder) returned -14135 ------permissions issue
    Apr 2 13:23:45 Macbook-Pro kextd[10]: writing kernel link data to /var/run/mach.sym
    Apr 2 13:23:48 Macbook-Pro kernel[0]: Auth result for: **:**:**:**:**:** MAC AUTH succeeded
    Apr 2 13:23:48 Macbook-Pro kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1

    All I can say is things are much better now. Uninstall was a pain too because the damn uninstaller couldn't delete that damn prl service. I had to search for it manually and it ended up being invisible in a folder created at the root of the harddrive called Documents encapsulated in another application
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  18. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers

    If somebody still present at this thread please try to replace Parallels service startup script with attached one. It situated on your system at "/Library/Parallels/Parallels" folder. Please do follow steps:

    1. download attached file to some folder (for example ~/Dowloads)
    2. open Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal)
    3. perform follow commands:
    cd ~/Downloads/
    unzip ./
    cd "/Library/Parallels/Parallels"
    sudo mv ./ParallelsDispatcherService ./ParallelsDispatcherService.bak
    sudo cp ~/Downloads/ParallelsDispatcherService .
    4. finalize Parallels dispatcher service with command:
    sudo kill -TERM `ps aux -c | grep prl_disp | awk '{ print $2 }'`
    5. Restart your Mac and when system'll loaded perform shutdown - now it should work much better

    Attached Files:

  19. Joel Ashman

    Joel Ashman Bit poster

    Thanks for noticing the problem

    Having heard from on of the engineers at Parrallel's I will now attempt to give it another try. Can someone provide a little more information on the provided file above to indicate what it exactly "fixes"?


  20. RCF2616

    RCF2616 Member

    Tried the above fix with file downloaded to my desktop, but got an error at the 'cd /Library/...' step:

    Macintosh:~ ####$ cd ~/desktop/

    Macintosh:desktop ####$ unzip ./
    Archive: ./
    replace ParallelsDispatcherService? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: y
    inflating: ParallelsDispatcherService

    Macintosh:desktop ####$ cd "/Library/Parallels/Parallels"
    -bash: cd: /Library/Parallels/Parallels Not a directory

    Did I do something wrong?

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