Slow Performance

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by GlenR3, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. GlenR3

    GlenR3 Bit poster

    Hello. I am new to parallels 13, I needed it to run the windows version of office for classes I'm taking. I installed it on my macbook pro and it seems to work fine. I installed on my brand new iMac (which has a lot more horsepower) and it lags significantly. The web browsers are practically useless, no videos will play. I've been on this forum and tried to make the different configuration modifications that are suggested but nothing works. What am I missing here?
  2. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @GlenR3 , please follow steps suggested in the article and check if that works.
  3. GlenR3

    GlenR3 Bit poster

    "Shutdown your VM > open its configuration > switch to Options tab > Optimization > Set performance to Faster virtual machineand enable Tune Windows for speed. You can also turn on the Better performance option under 'Power', but this may consume more battery"

    This step does not seem to be available on parallels 13. Is is located somewhere else?
  4. Please open the configuration window -> Options -> Optimization and reply with the screenshot of the options listed there.

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