Solaris 11.3, 64 bit, installed today within Parallels (Version 11.1.2 (32408))

Discussion in 'Other Virtual machines' started by MarkC12, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. MarkC12

    MarkC12 Bit poster

    Pretty straight forward. Downloaded Solaris 11.3 .iso image (text) version. installed as a Parallels OS. WOrked like a charm. Had to do additional UNIX work to get gnome desktop, a c++ compiler, other stuff I wanted installed (a Solaris thing...).

    I am impressed.....

    I am running a MacMini (late 2012), 16 Gb memory, 1 TB Samsung EVO SSD (HUGE difference, as I started with normal 5400 drive -- GO SSD...)
    I run El Capitan, Windows 10, and Solaris now all at same time -- no problem!!
  2. ManojK@Parallels

    ManojK@Parallels Parallels Support

    Great! Is there anything that you want us to help you with?

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