I initally got Parallels to work with the hack from the first page. However, I really need multiple monitor access in Parallels so I put using Windows on my Mac Pro on the back burner. I have some free time today, and it looks like multiple monitor support is not high on the list of priorities with the Parallels folks. So I decided to mess around with it today to see if I could figure something out.
When I try to Power On Windows XP, I get the following error:
Unable to allocate virtual machine memory!
This error may occur mostly if there is no enough free disk space available on the physical disk to allocate virtual machine paging file. Try to clean up the physical disk (remove unnecessary files). If it doesn't help, try to re-install Parallels Desktop.
Any one else have this problem? I have restarted my computer, and tried to Power On several times with not luck.
Thanks in advance.
edit: Bah nevermind. I just found the thread for this problem.
Last edited: Aug 29, 2006