I'd like to edit the VM settings, but I can't do that if the VM running. If I stop the VM, Parallels quits. Help! I'm caught in a causation loop!
Step 1: Stop the VM. Step 2: Hold down the Apple Key Step 3: Start them VM, continuing to hold down the Apple Key. You can also start up parallels and then open the vm config file (as opposed to opening the config file directly, which causes the vm to start up).
I also find this frustrating. I have my vm's on an external drive. I just want to open the Parallels app. But, since it cannot find the vm files, it opens a windows to create a new vm. If I hit cancel, the parallels app closes. Can't we have a way to keep the app running?
Starting Parallels while holding the Apple Key down worked for me to solve this frustrating issue also. Thank you!