Subscription Question

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ParkL, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. ParkL

    ParkL Bit poster

    I have a subscription and I would like to know about the latest upgrade.
    I have two computers on my account. For this upgrade I paid a full price for one and a reduced price for the other.
    Is this a correct transaction? And, if I replace one computer, do I pay the full price again to install Parallels on the replaced machine?
  2. ParkL

    ParkL Bit poster

    Going back to what Parallels said, the subscription was a set annual fee that included the updates.
    So why did I have to pay full price for one computer to upgrade and the other was at a discount?
    I bought two licenses initially with my subscription.
  3. ParkL

    ParkL Bit poster

    So far, I haven't heard anything back from Parallels on this. My subscription was for two, but this is what I had to pay for to get the upgrade.

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