I post this in a reply to another message, but I thought I would post it again in case anyone else out there has been waiting for things to settle down with the 3.0 release. I bought the upgrade months and months ago, but I finally got the nerve to do the upgrade tonight and it went very smoothly. Here is a summary of what I did. I got these steps from some one else who posted on this forum and unfortuanley I can not find that post again becuase I would like to link back to it. I did the following: 1. Backed up the original parallels data. 2. Brought up windows xp, uninstalled parallel tools, then I shut down Windows and Parallels. 3. Then I inserted my original Parallels CD and uninstalled the Parallels application. 4. Then I rebuilt object permissions in OSX using the disk utility. 5. Loaded 3.0 of Parallels from the download 6. Brought up parallels and allowed it to converted my parallels Windows XP session for 3.0. 7. Insalled Parallel tools from the menu with Windows XP up. That was it. It worked as advertised. Now I have to figure out what all of the features are and how they work. Thanks to the Parallel team and everyone else who posted about your frustrations and sucesses becasue it really help me out.