Suggestion: messages from guest OS

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by jasimon9, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. jasimon9

    jasimon9 Member

    I thought there was a section in the forums for suggestions, but do not see it, so making this suggestion here.
    When I am running multiple VMs, whether in Coherence or not, sometimes there are popup windows that I cannot tell which VM they are coming from. Sometimes in non-Coherence you can tell, but even then you get some popup windows that cannot be identified as to which VM. In particular when I am doing a Windows update on multiple VMs at once. Easy workaround -- just don't do them all at once. But it would be nice in general for every case to have some identification.
    Another situation is the windows startup and shutdown full screen displays. Sometimes they are in a window which identifies the name of the VM; other times, no such identification. Not sure what the pattern is.
  2. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi Jasimon,
    Please submit a Problem Report ID and provide us the ID number here, to investigate further on this issue.
  3. jasimon9

    jasimon9 Member

    Problem report ID 70025033 opened.

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