Suggestion: To be able to open .RDP files with 2XClient

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by Equium, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Equium

    Equium Bit poster

    Hello all,

    Just a quick suggestion, I think it would be useful to be able to open .RDP files with 2XClient (As well as the app being the suggested App to open .RDP files). Some other RDP app's do this and if 2XClient did this too that would be great and we would use this App for all of our RDP stuff.

    After a hour of looking for a App that does everything we need; this is the only App that comes close, with the only thing missing is it being able to open .RDP files.

    Thanks :)
  2. andrews8

    andrews8 Hunter

    Thanks for your post, your feedback is appreciated. If you have any further comments about how we can enhance our product please let us know.
  3. MRumpler

    MRumpler Bit poster

    Are there any plans to actually implement that?
  4. MRumpler

    MRumpler Bit poster

    Do you plan to implement that?

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