Support for macOS 10.14 Mojave

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by BillS4, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Thank you very much @JeremyS3 and @ChrisL15 and sorry for the inconvenience. I've updated the KB article.
    ChrisL15 likes this.
  2. PrideOfElites

    PrideOfElites Bit poster

    Just want to make sure when will it be compatible? Because I want to install Mojave but don't want to stuck into the problem of incompatible VMs.
  3. RogerL7

    RogerL7 Bit poster

    Just a suggestion. Wondering if it might be possible for Parallels to work with Apple in the future to get early access to new betas of MacOS. Maybe a couple of weeks early? As you can see by this thread there are quite a few of us who would like to use Parallels to test the new OS without having to dedicate a piece of hardware to it. In fact, I have reached the point where I don't even really use Parallels for Windows anymore. So without being able to run MacOS betas I don't have much of a use for keeping my Parallels license up to date. Thanks.
  4. ChrisL15

    ChrisL15 Bit poster

    Thanks, but it still does not work. Even after mounting the ISO it does not appear in the Finder window nor Desktop. In the end I copied the ISO to the VM and ran uninstall from there. Thanks.
  5. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Despite our good relationship with Apple, I doubt that they would accommodate such a thing as early access to a new macOS version for us or someone else. Anyway I have forwarded your suggestion to our Product Management team. We're doing our best to resolve this situation now, the fix is in progress.
    jvh likes this.
  6. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Can't tell you any ETA, unfortunately, but I will let you know here in the thread when it's released.
  7. RogerL7

    RogerL7 Bit poster

    Thanks, Dimitry. But I believe that you only need to look at a WWDC keynote and certain product release keynotes to see that Apple frequently allows early access to code for certain software partners. I have to believe that they can be persuaded to understand the benefit of partnering with Parallels. After all, many people I know wouldn't have even bought a Mac without Parallels being available as an option.
  8. MartinH19

    MartinH19 Bit poster

    Even that didn't work for me. When I double-click on "Uninstall" it refuses to run because it apparently isn't codesigned (is that really true?). If I then click on "Open anyway" in "Security & Privacy" it appears to open, only to quit immediately with no apparent effect. Rebooting the VM confirms that the toolbox hasn't been uninstalled...
  9. BrendanD1

    BrendanD1 Bit poster

    Do you think the Parallels Tools will work better with Mojave Developer Preview 2? I'm scared to try installing them. But they make Parallels work so much better.
  10. HorstJ

    HorstJ Bit poster

    BETA 2 fixe the GFX problem
  11. MarcinS4

    MarcinS4 Bit poster

    I have just updated to Mojave Developer Preview 2 and it works :) Previously I have installed Mojave with Parallels Tools. I have problem with visibility of the mouse pointer but I don't have to minimize Parallels window to make visible changes. It seems that Mojave after update works better in Parallels VM.
  12. MartinD7

    MartinD7 Bit poster

    Confirmed. I have a clean High Sierra VM that I make linked clones of for testing stuff. So I made a clone, removed Parallels tool. Upgraded. Installed Parallels tools. Video is working fine. No problems with the mouse pointer here.

    Edit: "working fine" is a relative term. There are still plenty of issues. Firefox, for example, is completely wacked. I am in Retina mode. I need to test it in scaled mode.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2018
  13. BrendanD1

    BrendanD1 Bit poster

    Yup, beta 2 of Mojave is working much better.
    jvh likes this.
  14. MarcinS4

    MarcinS4 Bit poster

    it is far from saying that video is working fine, but currently is working, because previously it is not working at all for me. In my VM is still problem with mouse pointer which sometimes disappear and full screen mode which is not "full screen" but "partially full screen" (I have black lines on the top and on the bottom).
  15. ChrisL15

    ChrisL15 Bit poster

    I can confirm that the 2nd developers beta works way better. I could reinstall Parallel Tools and get a higher res screen. The mouse pointer was initially very large. However, once I increased the resolution, it reverted to normal behaviour.
    jvh likes this.
  16. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    Guys, we have released a hotfix for Parallels Desktop 13 version 13.3.2 which resolves graphics driver issue with macOS 10.14 Mojave virtual machines. You can download it via in-product updater (Parallels Desktop > Check for Updates...) or by this direct link (requires manual installation). Full release notes you can find here:
    JohnB42, jvh and C.C.O.v like this.
  17. JohnB42

    JohnB42 Bit poster

    Installed, installed Tools and issue resolved.
    jvh and Dmitry@Parallels like this.
  18. jvh

    jvh Member

    Thx a lot !!
    And surprise surprise, it even runs on unsupported Macs ... VERY promising ))
  19. Axel_Luttgens

    Axel_Luttgens Bit poster

    This is a really timely update: just when I decided to install Mojave Beta in a VM. :)
    Thanks a lot,
    jvh likes this.
  20. BobF2

    BobF2 Bit poster

    By any chance, have you been able to patch Parallels 12? It comes up asking 'to run virtual machines please allow the parallels components to load on your Mac', but when I click to open the system preferences panel, there is no message to 'allow'. I tried manually putting parallels in to the accessibility spot, but I don't know all of the places it needs to be installed to do it manually. Could you let me know what to manually install or if there is a patch coming that will do it for itself?


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