Suppress Message Indicating Window Management Software Conflict

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by JohnS75, Sep 4, 2020.

  1. JohnS75

    JohnS75 Bit poster

    I would like to be able to suppress the warning about the potential conflict between my Window Manager of choice (Magnet) and the Parallels Tools widget that has similar capabilities. If not, I would like to uninstall that app. My preference is Magnet, and I have paid for it. I really don't want Parallels Tools scolding me every time I start it about the potential for a conflict.
  2. JohnS75

    JohnS75 Bit poster

    To clarify, I meant Parallels Toolbox for Mac ... I like the other applets, I just don't want the Window Manager nagging me. Is it possible to uninstall just that applet? My preference would be to just suppress the nag screen.
  3. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    If you do not launch Window Manager, it won't suggest to disable another tool
  4. JohnS75

    JohnS75 Bit poster

    The message dialog comes up when the Toolbox is launched. There is no option to launch the Toolbox without Window Manager. and that's why I asked the question in the first place. After waiting for a response for 4 months, to get one so obviously "lame" is a big disappointment. I expect more for subscribing to the Pro platform than that!
  5. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    sorry for this misunderstanding, I didn't mean it like that. what I meant to say is this:
    when you say that "I would like to be able to suppress the warning about the potential conflict between my Window Manager of choice (Magnet) and the Parallels Tools widget that has similar capabilities." -- this warning comes up only when the Window Manager is launched, but the Toolbox itself does not launch Window Manager automatically. What happens is that most likely the option to launch Window Manager when Mac starts is enabled, and that's why you get this conflict message with another app. When you disable this option, Window Manager won't open automatically and won't be nagging you.
    Screen Shot 2021-01-15 at 9.45.27 AM.png
  6. JohnS75

    JohnS75 Bit poster

    I cannot launch Window Manager because Magnet is running. The warning shows up when the Toolbox launches on startup. Can I just disable Window Manager in the Preferences (see below)? Or do I have to disable Magnet, then launch Window Manager and turn off the Open on startup option, then Quit WM, and relaunch Magnet? None of this is documented and while in retrospect it looks like common sense, that warning message on startup is an annoyance. Screen Shot 2021-01-15 at 12.05.12 PM.png
  7. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    What you are describing sounds like you have both Toolbox and Window Manager launching when Mac starts, and that's when you receive a warning message like this:
    Screen Shot 2021-01-15 at 2.16.10 PM.png
    (it was added because having several window manager apps running simultaneously may lead to some unpredictable behavior for many windows).
    So the best course of action would be:
    - quit Magnet (you can open Toolbox or Window Manager and use the alert to quit Magnet in this case)
    - launch Window Manager
    - disable "Open when Mac starts" option
    - quit Window Manager
    - launch Magnet again.
    The Tools tab in Preferences will hide Window Manager from Parallels Toolbox window, but won't stop it from launching if "Open when Mac starts" option is enabled.
    Hope this makes sense to you, and I apologize for this inconvenience.
  8. JohnS75

    JohnS75 Bit poster

    I have never launched Window Manager specifically. The Toolbox loads on startup and I assume all the individual tools within it do too. I will follow your suggestion but again suggest better docs.
  9. JohnS75

    JohnS75 Bit poster

    Postscript: Magnet now includes a toggle "Ignore Parallels Toolbox" which I did not notice previously. That seems to be a better solution for my purposes. I suspect the author received the same question.
    Alex Patsay likes this.
  10. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    Just wanted to clarify, that the tools from Parallels Toolbox are all individual apps and they are not launched along with Toolbox launch.
    We also have this User Guide for Toolbox that describes the product, the tools it includes and other settings, hope it helps.

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