OK, I figured out you meant for me to open YAST and found the settings file, BUT, WHAT graphics card and Monitor should I choose??? and it will not save resolution changes. it INSISTS it will be 800X600 no matter what I do
getting very very frustrated. Parallels tools is BROKEN and USELESS. it NEEDS to BE FIXED. Why does it just work in VMware, and I have to go thru all the garbage in Paralells? and IT STILL DOESN'T WORK...
Ok, I had the same problem with opensuse10.3 under parallels 3. With the Option "Xinerama" "True" I got the X runnig with a slight change, I wrote it not under the Section "ServerFlags" but under the section # Server layout and I did not use "True" but "on" Option "Xinerama" "on" Don`t know, if this makes any difference. And I also got the resolution changed! I replaced: Modes "800x600" by Modes "1024x768" and it worked. I will post my xorg.conf soon, so that you can see, how mine looks like. Cheers, sunstar P.S.: I like paralles very much, but a friend of mine has vmware running and I have to admit, that it works much better with linux (even drag and drop), don't know why.
and here is my xorg.conf: # X.org configuration file generated by Parallels Tools Section "Files" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/local" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/URW" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Speedo" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/PEX" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latin2/misc:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latin2/75dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latin2/100dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latin2/Type1" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latin7/75dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/baekmuk:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/japanese:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/kwintv" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/uni:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/CID" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ucs/misc:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ucs/75dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ucs/100dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/hellas/misc:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/hellas/75dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/hellas/100dpi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/hellas/Type1" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc/sgi:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/xtest" FontPath "/opt/kde3/share/fonts" InputDevices "/dev/gpmdata" InputDevices "/dev/input/mice" EndSection Section "ServerFlags" Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "on" EndSection Section "Module" Load "dbe" Load "type1" Load "freetype" Load "extmod" Load "glx" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Driver "kbd" Identifier "Keyboard[0]" Option "Protocol" "Standard" Option "XkbLayout" "de" Option "XkbModel" "microsoftpro" Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys" EndSection # Parallels mouse driver Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Parallels Mouse" Driver "prlmouse" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "Protocol" "auto" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Driver "mouse" Identifier "Mouse[1]" Option "Buttons" "9" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "Name" "ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse" Option "Protocol" "explorerps/2" Option "Vendor" "Sysp" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Option "SendCoreEvents" "yes" EndSection #Parallels monitor Section "Monitor" Identifier "Parallels Monitor" VendorName "Parallels Inc." EndSection Section "Monitor" Option "CalcAlgorithm" "XServerPool" HorizSync 31-38 Identifier "Monitor[0]" ModelName "800X600@60HZ" Option "DPMS" VendorName "--> VESA" VertRefresh 50-60 UseModes "Modes[0]" EndSection Section "Modes" Identifier "Modes[0]" Modeline "800x600" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync EndSection #Parallels screen Section "Screen" Identifier "Parallels Screen" Device "Parallels Video" Monitor "Parallels Monitor" Option "NoMTRR" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1024x768" EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" SubSection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "default" EndSubSection Device "Device[0]" Identifier "Screen[0]" Monitor "Monitor[0]" EndSection # Parallels video driver Section "Device" Identifier "Parallels Video" Driver "prlvideo" BusID "PCI:0:2:0" EndSection Section "Device" BoardName "Framebuffer Graphics" Driver "fbdev" Identifier "Device[0]" VendorName "VESA" EndSection # Server layout Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Layout[all]" Screen "Parallels Screen" InputDevice "Parallels Mouse" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Keyboard[0]" InputDevice "Mouse[1]" Option "Clone" "off" Option "Xinerama" "on" # Screen "Screen[0]" EndSection Section "DRI" Group "video" Mode 0660 EndSection Section "Extensions" EndSection
Well that didn't work. even with new build it is still an 800 x 600 display. The above xorg.conf booted my system to the command prompt. so I deleted it and restored mt backed up file. any word for the Engineers Xenos?
Hello BarryP13@mac.com and Sunstar, Thank you for your reports. They helped the developers to fix some bugs of the build 5160. Please try RC (build 5580). After you have done update, please install Parallels Tools: 1. In Parallels Desktop menu bar choose Actions -> Install Parallels Tools. 2. Parallels Tools File Browser will open where you will be able to see the location of the Parallels Tools Installer. It can look like this: /media/Parallels Tools 3. Open Terminal and enter as root user (for this you should type su, press Enter, then type your password, press Enter). 4. Type cd - gap - the path to the Parallels Tools Installer. Example: cd /media/Parallels Tools Press Enter. 5. Type ./parallels-tools.run, press Enter. 6. Answer Yes (the first letter is capital). 7. Press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to restart Xserver. Now, when you have Parallels Tools installed, you can change the SUSE window dynamically by pulling the right bottom corner with your mouse cursor. However this will not change the resolution of the screen. To change the screen resolution you will have to modify xorg.conf file: 1. Please open Terminal and enter as root user. 2. Type gtf 1024 768 60 and press Enter (you can put in another resolution, 1280 1024, for example). 3. Copy the lines you will get. 4. Type: vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf, press Enter. Press Insert to modify the file. 5. In section Modes comment the Modeline you have there (type # at the beginning of the line) and paste the line you got after running gtf 1024 768 60. You should paste it after the commented Modeline and before the EndSection line. 6. In section Screen (the first one) change Modes from 800x600 to 1024x768 (or put in other numbers that you've typed after gtf). 7. Press Escape then type :wq 8. Press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to restart Xserver. Your screen resolution is supposed to change. Best regards, Xenos
No go even with new build above steps give me a screen way to large for my monitor even at 800 X 600 my mac is an LCD 1680X1250 back to your drawing board
BarryP13@mac.com, could you send me the screenshot: Mac System Preferences - Display? Best regards, Xenos
BarryP13@mac.com, it is difficult to get the root of the problem in your particular case. The issue is supposed to be fixed in the new build 5582. If it is possible, I would ask you to: 1. uninstall the build you are currently using, then install build 5582, 2. create a new VM (if you need the data from the VM you have now, save .hdd file on a data storage first, then browse this .hdd to the new VM), 3. reinstal SUSE 10.3, 4. install Parallels Tools. Best regards, Xenos
Its NOT my Problem, it a Parallels BUG. I uninstalled parallels, reinstalled the new build. I reinstalled a brand new Suse 10.3 VM. I installed tools. still small screen. IT JUST WORKS in VMWARE. looks like Parallels is the looser here
I have the same issue, my SuSE 10.3 is with a small screen only, I have re-installed the tools multiple times and it does not work. I know I am installing correctly, because I have installed the tools into my Kubuntu 7.10 and there everything works perfectly.
OK. Thank you for your reports again. Our QA team has FINALLY reproduced the bug. Working hard to fix it. Our deepest apologies... Best regards, Xenos
Hi Xenos... I'm a new user and I had the same BarryP13@mac.com's problem. I confirm that your last post solve all the problems with suse 10.3. Attached there is my modified xorg.conf file after prl-tools installation... all works well.... tks for your help....
Ambda76, I'm happy to know the workaround fixed the issue in your case. Thank you very much for the feedback. Best regards, Xenos
It doesn't work for me same old non adjustable screen (it is a bit bigger though). Hoping Xenos and his Engineers get this fixed soon. I am willing to beta test any solution
Xenos " Our QA team has FINALLY reproduced the bug. " will we have a fix for this before the new year??
Hello Barry, Parallels developers are working on the issue and the fix is supposed to come with the next build. I am sorry I can not let you know if this build will be available before the end of the year as the time of release depends on a number of circumstances. The basic indeterminants here are: when developers will solve all the problems currently set and when QA team will check if everything works properly. I will keep you informed. We apologize for making you waiting. Best regards, Xenos
looks like the developers are spending way to much time with new stuff instead of fixing what is BROKEN and DEFECTIVE. The new build did NOT fix my SUSE problem. I am going to try a fresh install and see if this helps. if not, looks like a trip to the store to buy a product that I KNOW WORKS, and it won't be anything by Parallels. I am very frustrated now.
Well the reinstall went well. parallels tools installed and I got the postage stamp size screen that I cannot resize. without Parallels tools the screen is very useable. off to the store to buy VMware.....