Suse 9.3 Display Settings

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by macbandit, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. macbandit

    macbandit Bit poster


    I have just installed Suse 9.3 with all available updates on my MacBook.
    However no matter what I do I can not change the display setting from 800x600.
    Is there Parallels Tools available? or does anybody know what card I need to choose in Sax2 (SusE). I have Parallels 2 Build 3214 (27 June 2007)

    Thanks in advance
  2. Olivier

    Olivier Forum Maven

    I have installed for tests OpenSuse 10.something and Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10.something in those last 3 days and they work quite nicely with Parallels. Yes there are Parallels Tools available which bring dynamic video resizing and mouse integration, but you have to upgrade to Parallels 3 which introduced them. Parallels 2.x does not have Tools for Linux.

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