Anyone here successfully installed Symphony OS via Parallels? If so, any tips you can provide? Thanks.
Hi, I am the founder and lead developer of Symphony OS. I have tried to install Parallels on my system so I could give you a better answer but when trying to get a trial key for parallels either the email from parallels is being flagged as spam and disappearing or it is just not getting to me. That being said: Setting up a virtual machine as a generic Linux 2.6 vm and then setting the CD to the Symphony ISO image. After that it should be installable just like it would be on regular hardware (if you have the 2007-06 version you have to open a terminal window and type ubiquity to start the installer). Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.
Ryan, it will be excellent if you create a Parallels Virtual Appliance with Symphony OS pre-installed.
I would be happy to do so but unfortunately I still havent received an email with my parallels trial key so I cant even run parallels right now.