Hi, I am having an issue creating a synced folder on a windows 10 D:\ drive I have the following in my Vagrantfile config.vm.synced_folder "~/code/", "D:/code/" When I vagrant up I see: dev: D:/code => /Users/myusername/code It looks like it creates the folder on the D:\ drive but when I look at it's properties, it shows //psf/D:_code which obviously is not correct. Firstly, is what I am trying to do possible? If so what am I doing wrong?
So I did find out it was trying to create a shared folder (through parallels called) \\psf\D[]_code (the [] is some form of unicode symbol which this forum will not allow me to paste here) which doesn't match up to the \\psf\D:_code that the shortcut in D:\code is looking for. Can I control this somehow so it can just create something like //psf/code and link that to D:\code? Or is there a correct way of achieving this?
It has been fixed: https://github.com/Parallels/vagrant-parallels/pull/221 The new version will be released soon