Synchronize Transporter and Transporter Agent?

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by Allan Crowson, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Allan Crowson

    Allan Crowson Bit poster

    I have Parallels Desktop 4 on my Mac. I need to move an Windows device over to it. I downloaded the Transporter Agent onto the PC just this morning. Transporter on the Mac finds the PC with no problem, but when I tell it to transport it, I am told that the Transporter Agent and the Transport app on the Mac are not the same build and to synchronize them. OK…how? The help files contain nothing of this sort. The website has a link for the latest build of Transporter Agent, but it looks like I need an older build. Where do we find that? It seems I need to run a newer version of Transporter or an older version of Transporter Agent, and they are nowhere to be found on the web site.

    Don't tell me to move to PD5. It's ordered, but not here, and I need to migrate this today.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. BME

    BME Bit poster

    I am in the same boat, looking for Transporter Agent (Win) that will connect to Parallels 4.0.3848.
  3. BME

    BME Bit poster

    Also looking for Transport Agent (Win) for Desktop Build 4.0.3848

    I am also looking for a version of Transport Agent (Win) that is compatible with Parallels Desktop Build 4.0.3848

    Thank you.
  4. BME

    BME Bit poster

  5. Allan Crowson

    Allan Crowson Bit poster

    Thanks for the link. At this point, I'll wait: Desktop 5 arrived today. Monday I will install it, and see how things go.
  6. LJJ

    LJJ Bit poster

    Transporter agent is not working on desktop 6

    Windows 7 > mac 10.6.7

  7. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    It is hard to guess anything without use case and error messages.
    Please, generate a problem report (Help->Report a problem) and post it's number here.


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