Tableau Desktop Failing Installation

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by digitalUID, Dec 15, 2024.

  1. digitalUID

    digitalUID Bit poster

    Hello all,
    I recently learned about Parallels and was excited to try it out. I've been looking for a solution to migrate my work laptop into my MacBook (M1), but we work in a Windows & Google environment. I installed a Parallels trial and have been impressed with how well it runs. I was successfully able to install other Windows programs (.exe) without issue, but Tableau Desktop fails installation every time. This is making me leery to fully committing to this solution, because I need to be able to have Tableau Desktop fully functional in the Windows environment. I've read online of other people using Tableau on Parallels, so I'm not sure if this is just an issue with my install or if there is a problem running Tableau on the latest Parallels. Thanks in advance for any insights you may have.

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