I'm supporting a company who uses TD Cloud via parallels in a Win7x64 environment. We recently added a new printer, but some users are having issues printing. On some other users, printing works fine -- they get two objects in TeamDesign per printer, one labeled 2X, the other labeled redirected. Printing to the redirected printer works fine, but printing to the 2X printer results in prints that are both vertically and horizontally flipped. On the two users who CANNOT print correctly at all, they either get one printer object (2X), or two printer objects (2X and 2X copy 1). Both can only print from TD Cloud in the horizontally and vertically flipped fashion. Have tried uninstalling/reinstalling parallels on both, to no avail. The only interesting addition, is that they previously had an older 2X client installed, and also when reinstalling, I'm not prompted to configure the remote settings -- they are being preserved from the previous install somewhere. Anybody encountered this issue, and/or have any suggestions on troubleshooting? Perhaps an uninstall tool? Thanks in advance, Russell
If there's some kind of parallels printer cache that I'm not aware of -- no. Otherwise, these machines have endured multiple restarts as well as TD Cloud uninstalls and reinstalls, delineated by restarts.