The mouse cursor does not work in parallels.Help!

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Mac' started by toptop, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. toptop

    toptop Bit poster

    Good day!
    I have a problem, the mouse cursor does not work in parallels, I have Windows installed. I launch windows, do one click and write "Ctrl + Alt - to free the cursor" to me, I do this, the cursor appears again and after the click, again it writes to me "Ctrl + Alt - to free the cursor",
    please help me, what should I do????
  2. AJ@Parallels


    Hello toptop, Let us ensure that Parallels Tools are properly installed. Please follow to install Parallels Tools. If you see reinstall or update Parallels Tools then kindly reinstall it. Kindly go to Actions--> Configure--> Hardware--> Mouse & Keyboard and change it to ' Do not optimize for Games '.
    howtheyearscondemn likes this.
  3. toptop

    toptop Bit poster

    Parallels worked fine, just a couple of days ago I started this problem!
    I did, like this, but nothing has changed, before that I had Automatic :Actions--> Configure--> Hardware--> Mouse & Keyboard and change it to ' Do not optimize for Games '.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    @toptop are you using any specific applications in your VM? Also please try these steps in order to resolve the issue.
    Let us know if it doesn't work for you and also the detailed issue description will be very appreciate.
  5. toptop

    toptop Bit poster

    Do you speak Russian?
    Maybe you can talk in skype, telegram, icq, jabber ?
    I did not solve the problem, which I did not do(((
  6. JasonF17

    JasonF17 Junior Member

    I am having the same problem now (on M1 with technical preview). Tried this and still nothing. I don't want to update parallels yet because that gave me more issues before. My mouse/cursor was working normal and all of a sudden nothing.
  7. JasonF17

    JasonF17 Junior Member

    updates ?
  8. MatthewB30

    MatthewB30 Bit poster


    I too now have this issue, I have reinstalled tools and changed the mouse option to 'do not optimize for games'. Neither has fixed the problem. The cursor is there when hovering but as soon as I click anywere its disappears. Its literally everytime I click in windows the cursor vanishes.

    Any help on this would be great.

  9. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

    Hi, Please start Windows virtual machine and click on Actions(On the Mac menu bar) > Reinstall Parallels Tools and check if this works. Please refer to the knowledge base article
  10. ChiN2

    ChiN2 Bit poster

    Hello, I got this problem as well, no idea how can I fix it out
    Anyone can help plz
  11. ChiN2

    ChiN2 Bit poster

    And I have clicked on Action on the MAC menu bar, but there unable to let me reinstall the parallel tools
    , the button here was dark. Can I know how can I go to the next step.

    Attached Files:

  12. ChiN2

    ChiN2 Bit poster

    Hiya officer,
    Any officer here can help me to fix it out, thanks, this issue has occurred more than a week already, I can't even work at home nowadays.
    I have tried many different methods to solve this problems, but it's sill exist bugs I think.
  13. BlainW1

    BlainW1 Bit poster

    I'm having the same issue: I open parallels and then the first time I click in windows the cursor disappears and I can't type or use the mouse. I have reinstalled the tools, and I have changed the mouse settings to do not optimize for games. What do I do next? It seems like a lot of users are experiencing this issue...
    Karim likes this.
  14. howtheyearscondemn

    howtheyearscondemn Bit poster

    Hello all!
    TL;DR - you might need to configure 'Do not optimize for Games' in two places per VM, and I'm not sure if this is an issue with other guest OSs than macOS 12.4
    I am a new user of Parallels since about a month ago when I got my first MacBook Pro (2019 15" i9 32GB 512GB SSD Vega20) ;)
    I recently created a new virtual machine using the macOS recovery partition option in Parallels.
    The VM booted-up fine and I installed Parallels tools no problem.
    Then I noticed I had an issue where I could not see the mouse in the VM, just like the users in this thread.
    When I saw the recommendation to configure 'Do not optimize for Games', I remembered that I did enable that option somewhere, but only because I thought I would need it due to what I experienced with a Windows 10 VM using Excel. It turns out, I don't need that setting enabled for macOS.

    At first configuring 'Do not optimize for Games' didn't fix the "missing mouse issue" for me. After I configured 'Do not optimize for Games' in two places in Parallels, the mouse reappeared, and I am using a macOS 12.4 VM without issues!

    Here's how I disabled 'Do not optimize for Games' in Parallels:
    1. Open Parallels Control Center
    2. Right-click the macOS VM then select 'Configure'
    3. Select the 'Options' tab on the top then select the 'Full Screen' tab on the left
    4. Make sure to uncheck 'Optimize full screen for games'
    5. Select the 'Hardware' tab on the top then select the 'Mouse & Keyboard' tab on the left
    6. Make sure 'Auto-detect for games' is selected next to 'Mouse'
      1. Note: The option 'Optimize for games' will cause the mouse to disappear when the VM has focus
      2. Note: You may also be able to select 'Don't optimize for games', too, but I haven't tried that option
      3. Note: I didn't change anything on this tab for the 'Advanced', 'Keyboard', or 'Open Shortcuts Preferences...' settings

    I hope my experience helps someone else. Take care and cheers!
  15. REF: In Parallels, keep two fingers on the Ctrl + Alt to free the cursor.
    I just want my Logi 850 keyboard and mouse to behave in Windows 11 as they do in the Apple M1, macOS Ventura 13, environment. I have run out of fingers and ideas. On the (Windows) keyboard, I copy "space" in memory so I can type Cntl+V Enter to enter a space. The directional arrows don't move the cursor.
    Now the mouse movement requires a constant Ctrl+Alt. What is going on?
    I've installed and reinstalled Parallel Tools. Booted and restarted Windows 11 ten hundred times. Must I purchase Rev.18 to resolve this issue or purchase an Apple license for the one program that currently runs on Windows? The best case would be if KB and the mouse behaved the same in both environments.
  16. NahuelP

    NahuelP Bit poster

    Same issue guys, do you have any update on this? @GampaA@Parallels
    It doesn't work on Kali Linux and Parrot OS I'm trying to decide if pay this software or not and for the moment I'm getting more troubles than solutions...
  17. GeorgeJ3

    GeorgeJ3 Bit poster

    Has anyone managed to resolve this issue? It has happened to me on multiple virtual machines following a rebut of my mac
  18. RussC2

    RussC2 Bit poster

    I too am having a version of this problem. Two days ago, Windows 11 under Parallels was working great. Today every time I click anywhere in the Windows window, the mouse cursor disappears and I see a message in the upper left corner saying to press Ctrl+Alt to free cursor. Doing that makes the cursor reappear but then it disappears again whenever I try to click anywhere. I'm also unable to shut down or restart Windows either from the Actions submenu on the Parallels menu in the Mac menu bar or from the Parallels Control Center-- choosing Shut Down or Restart does nothing. So some of the Windows Config settings can't be changed (they require that the VM is shut down). I've tried rebooting the Mac, which has not helped. I'm on a 16" 2020 Intel MacBook Pro running macOS Monterey (12.7.3). Any ideas?
  19. Adeboye Adeotan

    Adeboye Adeotan Staff Member

    Hi Russ,

    To aid us in troubleshooting this further, please collect a technical report while the issue is being reproduced (click the Parallels icon > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and send the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.
  20. RussC2

    RussC2 Bit poster

    Thanks for the quick reply. I just submitted Report #452662586.

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