Thunderbolt Drive goes missing

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Parallels User, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. I run Parallels on a Mac OS X with only one client, A Windows 10 installation.
    The Windows Client OS has been configured under Parallels for nearly three (3) years.
    The OS for this Client sits on the Mac's internal hard drive as the Windows Drive C:.
    A 1TB Lacie Thunderbolt hard-disk is attached to the Mac, on which I have configured two partitioned disks for use by the Windows client (D: and E:)
    Every so often the Thunderbolt connection disconnects and the disk is lost to the Mac OS which reports the loss as "Device not ejected correctly". Parallels picks this up quickly and demands that I stop the VM, although a retry option is available, it is never successful in recovering the drive, even though, by now, the Mac OS has re-found the Thunderbolt drive. I am forced to close the VM client.
    On restarting the Mac from either a cold or warm boot, the Thunderbolt drive is visible on the Mac desktop, is mounted correctly and accessable. When parallels restarts it cannot see the Thunderbolt drive. Closing and restarting Parallels has no effect. My only cure for this predicament is the time wasting exercise of performing three cold starts with "Parallels" auto-start turned off.

    This situation arises about twice per month and is very annoying to me.
    Please can you look into this scenario and fix the issue.

  2. It's been over a month since my original posting and there has been no comment or feedback. I really need a response on this very serious issue as it costs me time and my employers money.



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