Hi, I'm a freelance and I would like to propose a simple new utility: A Time Tracker to track working activity (but also useful for tracking study hours or other activities) with a simple start/stop buttons. These are simple features that I think should be very useful: 1 Activity Description (1 line) 1 Project Name 1 or more Category (or Tags) Start and Stop buttons Other features will be useful but I think that "simple is better" ;-) Obviously... it would be great to also have a PDF REPORT (or Excel or textual) of the activities made groupable and filterable by month/week customer category THANK YOU! Andrea Re
I'm new to the forum and I'm trying Parallels Toolbox but I think this should be a very useful utility!! I'm using Toggl but there is a lot of message to buy the paid version (very annoing)... I think also concurrent product do the same... (sorry for my english...)