toggle insert/overwrite?

Discussion in 'Other Virtual machines' started by warp4, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. warp4

    warp4 Member

    I'm running Parallels Desktop for Mac 2.5 Build 3214, which finally works. Just finished installing Warp 4.52 from CD iso images, and then, after carefully setting up partitions, etc., moved the contents of my Warp box to a VM.

    The preferences keyboard mapping takes care of the "Shift-Insert" and "Ctrl-Insert" problem, but there still seems to be no way of mapping just the "Insert" key, which toggles between insert and overwrite modes.

    Is there some way of mapping a Mac keyboard combo to be read by the VM as "Insert"??
  2. warp4

    warp4 Member

    Found the answer ... quoting my reply in a Tips discussion group:

    That was the clue I needed! On my Mac alu keyboard, the <clear> key indeed works as <NumLock>. However, this keyboard has no <Help> key. BUT, on the PC keyboard, on the number pad, the <0> toggles with <Insert> and <1> with <Del>. Sooo, when the keypad is NOT in number mode, those two keys work as described. Yeah!
  3. HusseinT

    HusseinT Bit poster

    My solution

    When using windows software I find that the "fn" function button together with the "Enter" button toggles insert/overwrite. Hope this helps.
    TornikeG likes this.
  4. TornikeG

    TornikeG Junior Member

    Thank you Hussein. it's been bugging me for quite a while!
  5. ManojK@Parallels

    ManojK@Parallels Parallels Support

    Thank you for sharing the idea Hussein!
  6. StephenF8

    StephenF8 Bit poster

    YES!!! Thanks you @HusseinT - you have brought me huge relief!

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