Hi, I have a problem on launching The Parallels Toolbox. I can see the process it's running (/Applications/Parallels Toolbox.app/Contents/MacOS/Parallels Toolbox --show-ui) But it does not show icon in the Title/Dock. I'm using OSX Sierra (10.12.4) and this problem start happen since I re-installed it. I tried to fix it by re-installing but it does not work any more. I can see the individual program is executable (open directly from the inside of package). Could you please let me know if there is any fix or how can I make clean install. Thanks.
Hi @SungphilH, would the icon for Parallels Toolbox not appear even in the Mac menu bar on the very top of the screen?
Hi Hemnath, Yes, it's not on the menu bar. If I explain more detail the problem, I actually tried to move the application to the other folder and it made some duplication of the icons in the tool box container. I just ignored them and used and the tool box icon it self just disappeared suddenly. Thanks.
Not to refute what you said earlier, but I can't tell whether Parallels Toolbox is actually running on your system. By this statement, are you referring to this location: Finder -> Go -> Applications? If not, please go to the said location, look for the application 'Parallels Toolbox' and double-click on it to open it. See if this makes a difference.
I'm attaching the screen, I could run the 'Download Video.app' by Finder -> Go -> Applications -> Parallel Toolbox.app -> "Show Package Contents" -> 'Download Video.app'. As I mentioned before, I can't see the Parallel Toolbox it self (the main app contains all apps). So, I tried to open the package. And beside of that, I can see the toolbox it self is not running ( not in the list of app can quit ). Thanks.
Hi SungphilH, To rectify this, please force quit the Parallels Toolbox process from the Activity Monitor. Run the below command in Terminal: rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.parallels.toolbox Note: some Toolbox settings such as icons pinned to the system menu and the list of the launched tools may reset though. Let us know if that helped.
Hi Danil, Great ! it works ! Now I can see the Toolbox icon in the top menu ! Thank you so much for your great support !
I am having the same issue. However the steps that Danil posted did not fix it for me. When I go into activity monitor it show that Parallels Toolbox is "Not Responding". After force quitting the process, I deleted the application and reinstalled. It still went into a "Not Responding" state.
Hi @BryanW1, please update Parallels Toolbox to the latest build 1.7.0 (1026) and keep us posted the results.
You're most welcome @SungphilH Please let us know if you have any issue in Parallels Toolbox and we are here to help!