I just bought Parallels 12 and installed it together with the Parallels Toolbox. But the tools in the first row of the Parallels Toolbox does not work. After clicking on these tools nothing happens. So I can not use these tools. All other tools work fine. What can I do to use the tools in the first row?? (macOS 10.12.5)
Hello, What concrete tools are not working for you? Are there tools that work? Can you try to start tools not from Parallels Toolbox but from Spotlight (you can find it here by name) - what is the result? Also, please send technical data from Parallels Toolbox ("Help->Send Technical Data") and post report ID here.
The tools "Archivierer", "Bildschirm aufnehmen", "Kamera", "Screenshots erstellen" and "Zeit" are not working. Clicking on these - nothing happens. Yes - I can start these tools from Spotlight but not from the Toolbox. I just was sending the technical datas from Parallels Toolbox with the ID 186718184.
Actually "Archivierer", "Bildschirm aufnehmen", "Kamera", "Screenshots erstellen" and "Zeit" are not the tools, they are group of tools. Click on every of these groups should lead to opening list of tools inside. For example, the group "Archivierer" contains two tools: "Archivierer" (Archive) and "Entpacken" (Unarchive) - look at the attached image. So it seems that you can't open group of tools - am I right?
You are right. When I click on one of these groups, nothing happens. So I can't open any group of tools.
Now I found the solution of this problem. If I activate in "Ink" the feature "Ueberall schreiben", I can't open any group of tools. After inactivating "Ueberall schreiben" everything works fine. Perhaps do you know the reason of this.
In the System Settings you go to "Ink". And then you should activate the feature "In jedem Programm Ink aktivieren" (perhaps in English: In every software activate ink). If you do this, you can't open any group of tools. In the menu line it is called "Ueberall schreiben".
Hi , dunno if this is a good place to post my question. I can't use the feature "Bildschirm aufnehmen" any more. Errormessage: Bildschirm aufnehmen Fehler aufgetreten
WilfriedT, let's investigate your problem in another forum thread: https://forum.parallels.com/threads/cant-record-screen-any-more.346438/