Transporter Agent fails to collect volumes

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by reneetheproducer, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. reneetheproducer

    reneetheproducer Bit poster

    My problem is a bit different from the error message described so far. Can you tell me why when using the Parallels Transporter to migrate my files from my old laptop PC to my Mac no volumes show up? I've connected my macbook using the firewire connection; installed transporter and opened the agent on my HP laptop pc and started the agent and transporter. When I get to the step where the computer is supposed to gather information from my computer, it says the agent is connected and appears to gather infomation. However, after about :30, when I get the message that asks me to select a volume to transport the volumes dialogue box is completely empty. There are no volumes there. I tried all the settings (expressed and advanced) migrate from this computer; from a another computer and from a virtual compter. In the migrate "from another computer" setting, the next message shows the name of my computer and i.p. address, but when I select it and go to the next step, still no volumes show up. I'm using Parallels Transporter 3.0 downloaded from the site and a PC with a Windows XP. Is there something on my computer that might prevent the Parallels Transporter from gathering the volumes information or, do I need to reinstall the Parallels Transporter software?

    Please help.
  2. Mike@Parallels

    Mike@Parallels Hunter


    Please provide us with Transporter log files on with subject 'Transporter Problems' to investigate this problem more detail?

    Log files of Parallels Transporter and Parallels Transporter Agent locate on:

    Mac: <home>/Library/Logs/Parallels/transporter_cl.log

    Windows: %TEMP%\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log
    for example,
    for Windows XP, 2000, 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\<Usr name>\Local Settings\Temp\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log
    for Vista: C:\Users\<Usr name>\AppData\Local\Temp\Parallels Transporter\transporter_xx.log

    Screenshot of Control Panel -> Computer management -> Disk management(on left side of the window) from transported system

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