Transporter and Transporter agent mismatch

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by SystemsM, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. SystemsM

    SystemsM Bit poster

    I'm attempting to migrate a physical Ubuntu 12.04 system to a VM on Parallels Server for Mac 4.0.

    The version of the Transporter Agent for Linux at:

    fails to install on the Ubuntu server.

    The version of the Transporter Agent for Linux at:

    installs OK, but does not communicate correctly with the version of the Transporter provided with Parallels Server for Mac 4.0. When I try, I get:

    Running tcpdump on the Ubuntu server sees a request come in on port 1622 and a response being sent back, so there isn't a reachability issue. Firewalls are disabled on both systems, so that's not the problem either.

    So where does one find a version of the Transporter Agent for Linux that actually works with Parallels Server for Mac 4.0?
  2. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    Hi SystemsM

    Could you generate a problem report from Parallels Server for Mac side (Help -> Report a Problem if I remember correctly) ?

  3. SystemsM

    SystemsM Bit poster

    I generated the problem report, but...

    I generated the problem report and received an email from Parallels Support re: my inquiry telling me that a solution had been provided to me and my ticket would be placed in Pending Confirmation Status for 14 days.

    The only problem is that I never received any information regarding any such solution, or where to look for it.

    Can you shed some light on that?
  4. SystemsM

    SystemsM Bit poster

    Sorry for the confusion...

    The email I received from Parallels Support was not about this thread.
  5. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    SystemsM, please post report Id here.
  6. SystemsM

    SystemsM Bit poster

    Report ID

    Stu, the Report ID is 22437849. Cheers!
  7. Stuw

    Stuw Parallels Developers

    SystemsM, I see in log that connection was refused.

    First of all make sure that Parallels Transporter Agent is up and running. It is not system service. Parallels Transporter Agent is application.

    Then check that port 1622 is used by Parallels Transporter Agent: netstat -lntp

    After that try to perform network migration once again.

    If connection still fails try to connect from you mac to Parallels Transporter Agent using telnet: telnet <ip here> 1622

    If nothing helped, post results here.

  8. SystemsM

    SystemsM Bit poster

    It works!

    I was under the incorrect impression that the transfer agent was a service not an app. Finding it at /usr/bin/parallels-transporter-agent (there's no GUI on this server) and launching it did the trick. The fact that the server was responding at port 1622 made me think it was already running.

    As it turns out, the first server I wanted to migrate uses the unsupported ext4 filesystem so I'll have to do that one by hand anyway, but the others should now work as expected.

    Thanks for your help!

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