First, i'm new to this tool and how it works. I need to copy my Win 2008 server and it's entire contents (including SQL Server and all it's data) to my new Mac Server as a virtualized machine. Is the transporter the way to do this? Should I consider a different route? If this is the way to go, what steps do I need to take after it is transported over to the Mac server to make it work. Several clients currently access the existing Windows SQL Server for data through an application. I want them to see their data on the new Mac server without knowing the old server has moved. Am I barking up the wrong tree? Thanks! K
Hi Most information about migrations available in Parallels Desktop User's Guide. To learn more check Import Your Data from a PC section. Parallels Transporter is what you need. Imported virtual machine should be available to other computers in your network if network type is "Bridged Network". I recomend you to check network settings of the imported VM after migration. For detailed info check Network Adapter section.
Thanks for the info! I certainly suspected all this to be true from the reading I have done, but wanted to get a more informed opinion/answer. Now I just have to figure out if I can turn my Domain Controllers off! Hopefully, we will be a Mac office with the exception of this one server and a few virtualized desktops that talk to this server.
If this is the way to go, what steps do I need to take after it is transported over to the Mac server to make it work. Several clients currently access the existing Windows SQL Server for data through an application. I want them to see their data on the new Mac server without knowing the old server has moved. lap mang fpt - lap dat internet
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express is a free, integrated environment for accessing, configuring, managing, administering, and developing all components of SQL Server. Tong dai fpt as well as combining a broad group of graphical tools and rich script editors that provide access to SQL Server to developers and administrators of all skill levels lap mang fpt cap quang fpt truyen hinh fpt.
Over time, most database applications grow, become more complex, and need to support more users. At some point in the life of your Microsoft Office Access application, you might want to consider upsizing to it to a Microsoft SQL Server database to optimize performance, binh tich ap, scalability, availability, security, reliability, bom nuoc thai and recoverability.
The Macbook is running iOS and can not run WIN2008 unless you jailbreak it as a may bom chim or bom nuoc thai
Nếu đây là cách để đi, những bước nào tôi cần phải thực hiện sau khi nó được chuyển sang máy chủ Mac để làm cho nó hoạt động. Một số máy khách hiện đang truy cập Windows SQL Server hiện có cho dữ liệu thông qua một ứng dụng. Tôi muốn họ xem dữ liệu của họ trên máy chủ Mac mới mà không biết máy chủ cũ đã di chuyển. lap mang fpt, cap quang fpt,