Turkish Keyboad Issue

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Mac' started by RamazanK, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. RamazanK

    RamazanK Bit poster

    Hello everyone,
    I am using MacBook Pro mid 2014 with Turkish keyboard. I have 20 server with Windows Server system.
    When I connect to RDP Server with Parallels Client some of keys not working properly.
    For example, double quote key (") prints less then sign (<) vice versa less then key (<) prints double quote (")
    Also, can't use the windows alt key to print special chars. For example $ chars printing with Alt + 4. To get it I have to use Control + Option + 4
    On other client software Option key acts as Alt key so I only use Option + 4 to print $
    Windows and control keys works.
    You can see my keyboard layout at the attached image.
    Is there any way to fix this issue
    Thank you

    Attached Files:

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