Sorry to double post, but I just found out a way to fix it, kinda. If I start the VM in Window Mode, and only change it to Fullscreen mode once it is started up, it works fine. But if I start the VM in Fullscreen mode, I get those artifacts...
Whether or not you like Unity is probably best left for discussion on another message board, because it's not Parallels related. (there are several threads out there). I haven't used Unity enough to form a real opinion yet, so I won't comment. The original Unity design did come from the Netbook edition UI of ubuntu, which was designed for low res screens (but still had keyboards). Even if you don't like Unity, and switch back to gnome classic, having the new Parallels Tools makes that experience much better as well (compiz visualizations will work when 3D acceleration is enabled). If gnome classic is still "too much junk", install XFCE and try that window manager (it's very lightweight compared to gnome or kde). If "Coherence" mode was available for Ubuntu (or linux in general) I might try it, but I have switched to using full screen mode, along with Spaces in OS X. It's easy to use control+arrow keys to quickly slide between full screen MacOS 10.6, Windows 7 64-bit, and Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit.
New Parallels Update released Just downloaded and installed Parallels 6.0.12090 rev. 660720, which includes an updated version of Parallels Tools. The Tools installed without a hitch on my existing Ubuntu 11.04 installation, and the new desktop is running just fine! Didn't see any kind of official announcement, and the specs have not been updated on the web site to include support for Ubuntu 11.04 yet...
Unity not working properly Unity is somehow working for me, it's not useable though. Instead of the menu bar I have a white stripe. Instead of the icon bar on the left, I only get black (transparent?) boxes, but the icons are missing. When I hover over them I see white boxes to the right where the text should appear. I've done a clean 11.04 install and Ubuntu Classic is working fine. 3D Compiz effects are also working in Unity mode, just the rest of the stuff isn't displayed properly. Does anyone have a glue what I could have done wrong or where to check what could be wrong? Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance! b
Unity not working properly Unity is somehow working for me, it's not useable though. Instead of the menu bar I have a white stripe. Instead of the icon bar on the left, I only get black (transparent?) boxes, but the icons are missing. When I hover over them I see white boxes to the right where the text should appear. I've done a clean 11.04 install and Ubuntu Classic is working fine. 3D Compiz effects are also working in Unity mode, just the rest of the stuff isn't displayed properly. Does anyone have a glue what I could have done wrong or where to check what could be wrong? Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance! b
Another person mentioned that leaving full screen mode, then coming back fixed a rendering problem with X. You could try that. If you already have it in a window, instead of full screen, just try resizing the window and see if the Ubuntu guest resizes correctly.
Same artifacts after resize issue I'm having the same problems as others after a resize leaving junk as I move windows around or go up and down in Unity ribbon. Sometimes its okay until I do a resize and back, others not. If I use the green Mac OS 'maximise' button it is okay but then its not really full screen. I'm on a 30" 2560x1600 screen. If I select Unity 2D every is okay (optional apt-get install or from the package manager) but then I lose all the nice 3D eye-candy and window snapping. I also created a new user and it seems like when I login with that user the display is okay on resize so I'm thinking there must be something left around in my home directory with a bad configuration setting. I've seen this on a non-virtualized Ubuntu install where Unity wasn't working properly for a legacy 10.10 user, I ended up creating a new user, copying all documents across, deleting the old user and then renaming the new one. Haven't tried that yet with my Parallels install - I figure there must be some .<directory> that needs nuking. So far I've tried .gnome2, .gnome2_private .config and .gconf but to no avail. I will test some more with my new user and see if I can reproduce the screen artifacts and if it is okay then I'll try harder to figure out what the problem is with my current user. Perhaps someone else could try creating a new user and experimenting too? I seem to recall there is something you can do to reset your user configuration completely, like you were a new user, but I don't recall what the magic command is.
A "brand new" never logged in user will only have a copy of the contents of /etc/skel in their $HOME directories. Once they login to gnome/kde/etc, they will have considerably more .blah config directories. (in addition to those you listed, also .gconfd, .compiz, .cache, .local ) Chances are there also some files in /tmp that would be affecting you. Make sure the user in question is logged out, then as an admin user run the following to delete all their files in /tmp . (Replace MyTestUser with whatever the username to nuke is) sudo find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -user MyTestUser -exec rm -rf {} \; (if you think that's bad, you should see some of my awk and xargs 1-liners...)
Thanks, I'll give that a try - there is also a .gconfd dir that has a saved state and includes settings for compiz, I missed that. Plus rebooting will probably help to ensure the gconf daemon is dead. I'll give it a shot tonight with your /tmp clean up too - 'find' is our friend and I find it more memorable than xargs, but maybe just because I'm an old timer with 'find'.
As I mentioned in the above post, I'm having the same issue - a white band where the menu should be and a black strip down the left side with no icons. I tried resizing the window to no avail. Also, when I try to change the resolution of the monitor preference nothing seems to happen - does the monitor config have to be edited as in old versions of Ubuntu?
A new viersion of Parallels Desktop is available A new version of Parallels Desktop is available. A very good news for you all .. subscriber. Thanks to parallels' team to really come up with this. Ubuntu 11.04 VM is now officially support!
I'm happily running natty x64 with Parrallels Tools build 6.0.12090. Oh dear, may be you are not so lucky in your case. I'm sorry for that. I wish they do some fix for you soon.
My unity also does work. here's mine with Unity. I also try it with gnome 3 but with no luck However, that's not matter for me .. for now.
I did a fresh install with 64 bits version, what about you ? I don't even have the scroll bars like yours, but simple colors bars, mostly orange ubuntu when I use Ubuntu Classic. gave it a try as well, same result unusable black/blue screen like for Ubuntu.
Oh my post is unintentionally .. large.! (The inserted image) sorry for that. yes,I did fresh install with 64 bits version and do "sudo ./install" in Parallels Tools installation virtual disc. I gets the orange scroll bars for many programs so far except Firefox and Inkscape. yeah no luck. ha . However, if I am not going to develop application for Unity and Gnome 3, this is not so much big deal. In my opinion, both Unity and Gnome 3 for now needs to be more polished to make real unified user experience and productivity boost.
For those with the weird bars and blank space, can you go Full Screen, and from a Terminal run `xwininfo`, then click on the desktop background? Look at the output for Width and Height. Do the numbers match what your Mac OS X resolution is set to ?