Ubuntu 11.04 support for Parallels Tools

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by BenBecker, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. MtnViewJohn

    MtnViewJohn Junior Member

    Hi DeShawn,

    Will there be an update to PD5 for support Ubuntu 11.04? I forgot buy PD6 at the $29 sale price. :-(
  2. slyme

    slyme Bit poster

    Ubuntu 11.04 on Parallels 5?

    Any one know if it is possible to get Parallels Tools working for Ubuntu 11.04 on PD5?

    I've searched a fair bit and it looks like it doesn't and won't ever run but that's just an impression ... anyone know for sure?
  3. Foxtrot Page

    Foxtrot Page Bit poster

    Is the problem resolved yet?

    Anyone know if one can Install Parallels Tools with Ubuntu 11.04 yet? Or are we still waiting. May be time to migrate to Virtual Box!
  4. DeShawnB

    DeShawnB Hunter

  5. M-Rick

    M-Rick Bit poster

    It's not working Dude!

    Don't you even try your software before releasing ???

    Made with a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits, nice result ... 2 updates later, nothing better. To remind you, this version is out since April ok, and has been in beta testing for 6 month before, it means that almsot 1 year later, you still have not a fucking Parallels version working!

    I think we will have to wait until version 7, go to the cash machine, and will it having working like magic!

    I am bored of Parallels policy, forcing to wait every major upgrades to have something working...

    I am gonna move to Fusion, it's enough like this with Parallels teams and behavior, always the same crap since version 2!

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    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  6. DeShawnB

    DeShawnB Hunter

    Hey M-Rick,

    Did you open a support request? http://www.parallels.com/support/request

    Others who have downloaded the latest updates have experienced success with PT on Ubuntu, so you're case could be unique.

    Keep me in the loop. Would love to help out.
  7. mohdf

    mohdf Member

    will the latest PT support kernel 3.0 ?

    here i post the pt install log

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  8. MarcosT

    MarcosT Bit poster

    After upgrading to Mac OS X Lion and updating Parallels to Build 6.0.12094, the Ubuntu 11.04 machine stopped connecting while using Bridged Network. It works on Shared Network.

    Is there any workaround for connecting using Bridged Network?
  9. JunS

    JunS Bit poster

    Clean install, something went wrong.

    I just installed two Ubuntu 11.04 (64bit and 32bit) on Parallels (6.0.12094). I upgraded to Mac OS X Lion a few days ago.

    When I log in, this is what I get. No menu, but one icon and the green box always on the right bottom corner.
    In my case, since there's no error message about PT, i assume that it had been installed well.


    Attached Files:

  10. mohdf

    mohdf Member

  11. MarkoK

    MarkoK Junior Member

    I am wondering whether PD5 will support X.org 1.10 on OpenSUSE >11.3
  12. amartin64

    amartin64 Bit poster

    Just don't use unity

    the solution to the above issues is quiet simple: just don't use unity!

    It has nothing to do with X.org version. Parallels Desktop 6 works fine with the current X.org. (BTW that's why I upgraded my Parallels Desktop for Mac from Version 5 to 6.)

    If you have already running a working Maverick (Ubuntu 10.10) here is how to upgrade to 11.04:

    Start the Ubuntu upgrade. When it finishes, don't reboot! Remove Parallels Tools completely from your VM. (I did an update-grub, just in case. Don't know if it is necessary or not here, it helped in the past.)

    Reboot into the new kernel. There will be message box that your system (due to missing 3D support) will not be able to use unity and you should use Ubuntu classic as your default session. (Due to missing 3D support it will start Ubuntu classic anyway without your action. But beware after reinstalling Parallels Tools this will not be the case!)

    After successfully being logged in. Change the configuration of the login screen to use Ubuntu classic as default (actually I prefer Ubuntu classic without effects). Make sure you have auto login disabled. Otherwise you might run into unity if it is still the default.

    That's all enjoy your Ubuntu with the Gnome Desktop as you ever did. Forget about this Unity. Although I use it on my Samsung NC10 Netbook quite successfully, it is a "nice to have" on a Desktop with an 24 inch screen.

    If you wonder why Parallels did not support Unity, just think if you would do spending lot of work for a niche product, today nobody can tell if it will be accepted by the community.

    Instead give reply to Ubuntu not to remove Gnome completely but still leave it as an option. Further to add more freedom of choice for the users to choose the desktop manager by them self, instead of just changing things which might not work on all platforms properly.


    P.S.: you don't have to do without any 3D support you just have to do without unity! 3D in Gnome works still fine.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2011
  13. amartin64

    amartin64 Bit poster

    Have fun dude! I tried Fusion several times. It is far less integrate into Mac OS X. VMware support is awful (at least if you have a 50 bugs niche product. May be different for your million dollar data center. :) ). I could tell you stories about VMware Server and Linux support. But that would be totally off-topic.

    Consider that Parallels focus on providing Windows on Mac OS X. And there it does a great job. If you just want to run a linux on a Mac I would recommend Virtual Box. It is free and highly reliable, with a big community.

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2011
  14. amartin64

    amartin64 Bit poster

    No it won't. As Volkswagen won't provide ABS, ESP, airbags, high pressure direct full injection, catalytic converter and other nice features of modern cars for your 1964 Beagle. :) You just have to buy a new car.
  15. MikeA5

    MikeA5 Bit poster

    What is its mean Subscribing and waiting?

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