Hi, I need some advice. i have read and understood the steps to install Tools on my ubuntu setup, but i have a problem not yet answered anywhere else. when i launch the command: sudo sh parallels-tools.run I put my password in, i then get this prompt : You are about to start installing Parallels Tools. Save your data and close all applications to prevent data loss during possible X-Server restart. Continue ? [Yes/No]: Despite typing "Y" or "y" or "yes" or "YES" or any other combinations to accept the statement, the next line i get the same thing again: You are about to start installing Parallels Tools. Save your data and close all applications to prevent data loss during possible X-Server restart. Continue ? [Yes/No]: If i answer no, the statement is still asked, if i just press enter i get returned to the prompt. Any ideas? Steve
i think you must to enter "Yes" as script asking you It seems like some non smart checking presents at the script there.