Ubuntu Hardy Heron - can't install Parallels Tools

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by cheesy, Mar 22, 2008.

  1. cheesy

    cheesy Bit poster

    Parallels build 5584 on MacOS 10.5.2

    I just installed Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 beta. It worked first time - no need for the hacks on 7.10, which is nice. However, I cannot get Parallels Tools to install. When I run parallels-tools.run I get the following error message and the script stops:

    Found xorg version
    Installation for xorg.. not found.

    Any ideas?
  2. neosublime

    neosublime Member


    Same here.
  3. Billy Goto

    Billy Goto Bit poster


    Actually it says:
    Found xorg version .

    Hardy runs Xorg (prerelease).
    Gutsy runs Xorg 1.3.0.

    The problem is that the banner output of "Xorg -version" in v1.4.0.90 doesn't
    match the regular expression that prl-tools-installer.sh is looking for to pluck out
    a version number. Anyway, even if you somehow DID fix up the prl-tools-installer.sh
    script, there aren't any Parallels Xorg modules compatible with Xorg-1.4 anyway.

    xserver-config.py has its own 'Xorg -version' parse, and suffers the same problem.

    I have tried faking the results of the version checks to 'xorg 1.3.0' just for fun.
    (ah, snapshots are a wonderful thing)
    The tools install and report success, but Xorg doesn't seem to take the modules.

    Anyway, that's my first shot at it.
  4. cathyf

    cathyf Bit poster

    There is another thread on this from 2 months ago: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=19052

    Pardon me for being dense, but does this mean that there is no chance to get cut and paste working between the mac and ubuntu sides until the parallels tools are working?
  5. shavital

    shavital Member


    Hi, you posted "Actually it says:
    Found xorg version .
    Hardy runs Xorg (prerelease).
    Gutsy runs Xorg 1.3.0." etc.
    Is this an issue that should be addressed by Parallels, like releasing a new build or any other kind of release?
  6. shavital

    shavital Member

    I have downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (final release) via 'update manager -d'. Package installation went fine until I got a critical warning "upgrade aborts now, your system could be in a unusable state. There was also a previous warning about a problem with openoffice.org "writer2latex", but that's not critical for the moment. The situation is that when the update process "aborted" I was left with a perfectly working Ubuntu that showed the drawing of a heron on the desktop, and there System Monitor indicated that I was running Linux Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy). I tested some of the applications, like Thunderbird, worked fine. Firefox too, but version, not 3.beta. I ran again Update Manager, no updates were found. I restarted the system and booted in recovery mode, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic. Everything seems to be working. I ran 'dpkg --configure -a', the output indicated that some extension had been added to openoffice.org; sorry, I didn't note down which extension, but I launched openoffice, worked OK. In spite of the fact that I knew, from Parallels Support, that I wouldn't be able to installe Parallels Tools, I when through the process in Terminal, and ended with 'Installation for xorg. not found'.
    I believe that a Parallels build update is in the making, or at least in preparation, that should solve that issue. But I am still unsure about the integrity of the 8.04 update that aborted, but...not completely? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
  7. pcal

    pcal Bit poster

    Add another name on the pile...I've been 100% satisified with my Parallels experience so far and have considered it money well spent.

    But I really need Parallels Tools for 8.04 Ubuntu to keep that feeling...

    EDIT: sorry, meant to specify 8.04 support for *parallels tools*. Yes, Ubuntu itself runs wonderfully in Parallels.
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
  8. shavital

    shavital Member

    Parallels support for Ubuntu (Hardy Heron)

    Till now, my Ubuntu 8.04 has been running smoothly, and I have kept it updated almost daily. I reckon that I have downloaded and installed at least one hundred varied updates, including updates related to xorg. A couple of days ago, I tried again to install Parallels tools, with exactly the same results as already reported. I believe this situation will change when Parallels release a new build that will support Ubuntu, as Parallels has already stated they will do. Except for the Tools issue, Ubuntu 8.04 runs fine under Parallels build 5600.
  9. puckman

    puckman Bit poster

    Bumb, same problem and it's a major nuisance.
  10. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

  11. philgmo

    philgmo Bit poster

    I just tried it and was able to install the tools.

    Unfortunately, after restarting, the VM is now unusable. After logging in, the display is distorted for about 10 seconds, and then it sends me back to the login screen.

    Any suggestions?
  12. mfox

    mfox Junior Member

    I have 8.04 running with VMware Tools installed from unofficial version 5604, except for two mouse problems that version 5608 didn't fix. See this post.
  13. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    For now situation is follows, build 5604 contains partial support for Parallels Tools, in build 5608 those tools removed and fixed Parallels Tools will be available in next build
  14. MG_work

    MG_work Member

    *which* build will solve our troubles?

    John, I'm sorry, but I don't think I understand your answer.

    In build 5608 (the official and most recent build), were the tools that worked with Ubuntu 8 (Heron) removed, and fixed, working tools won't be available until the next build?

    Since the tools won't install for me, I'm guessing that's what you mean. However, this directly contradicts what your RSS feed advertised, "...Build 5608 is now available for download. This build adds support for guest Parallels Tools for Linux in the latest Linux distributions (including Ubuntu 8)," leading me to spend the day upgrading from a perfectly working whatever-the-heck-F-stood-for (Ubuntu 'fuscated Fersion?) to Ubuntu 8, then updating Parallels, then try to install the tools... bleah.

    Anyway, any fixes are welcome. I'm currently running Parallels 3.0 build 5608 on OS X 10.4.11. The message I get when trying to install Parallels Tools is kinda odd:

    Found xorg version 1.4.0
    Installation for xorg.1.4 not found.

    And then the installer drops me back at the command-line prompt. What kills me is that Synaptic Package Manager tells me that the installed version is, in fact, 1:7.3+10ubuntu10 .

    If there's anything I can do (force an install of xorg version such and such), please tell me exactly what.
  15. fbronner

    fbronner Pro

    Same error here.

    I cannot install the tools in ubuntu 8.04.
  16. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Please wait, we are clarifying build with Ubuntu 8.04 compatible tools
  17. trolley

    trolley Member

    I'm assuming you meant build 5608, but that's not working for me either:

    Found xorg version 1.4.0
    Installation for xorg.1.4 not found.
  18. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    No, I do not mean build 5608
  19. trolley

    trolley Member

    OK, thanks :)
  20. mvanhorn

    mvanhorn Junior Member

    It was working, until Xubuntu upgraded to LTS

    I had Xubuntu 8.0.4 working fine with build 5608, but then yesterday it wanted to do an upgrade to "8.0.4LTS", and now there are all sorts of problems, including not being able to install Parallels tools due to the x.org error previously noted (this was not a problem previous to this upgrade).

    The main issue is that it can't figure out what video card it has, so the graphics aren't working quite right.

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